Тема: ЕС: кризис зальют деньгами. В студии Андрей Мовчан - управляющий партнёр ИК "Третий Рим". По мотивам эфира. Тема: О сбережениях worldcrisis.ru Страница передачи с возможностью скачать эфир: rbctv.rbc.ru Блоги Михаила: khazin.livejournal.com worldcrisis.ru Author: Neprotivlenec Duration: 20:55
Photos for video 12.03.2012. РБК. ДИАЛОГ с Михаилом Хазиным
Order the entire speech by the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan "Savioiurs Day 2012" by calling our toll free number at the Final Call Newspaper 866-602-1230. Support the Nation of Islam's Headquarters @ www.noi.org Support the Nation of Islam's New York Headquarters @ www.Mosque7.org Author: MosqueNo7 Duration: 10:37
Photos for video AFRICOM and Plots to Take Over Middle East:: Hon. Minister Farrakhan "Speaks" @ SD2012
Long-running negotiations between Russia and USA about NATO's European missile defence shield are currently deadlocked. Both countries want to protect their people by operating early warning radar stations, but have been unable to find a way to cooperate on the issue. NATO's top brass decided to deploy a missile defence system aimed at protecting Europe, but their plan to place it in former Warsaw Pact countries right on Russia's border raised the alarm in Moscow, leading it to consider countermeasures. So the reset in US-Russia relations announced by Washington and supported by Moscow is in now jeopardy. Find out more about this critical issue on RT. RT on Twitter twitter.com RT on Facebook www.facebook.com Author: RussiaToday Duration: 23:45
Photos for video Ballistic Peace: Diplomacy of Defence