James Taylor performs 'America the Beautiful' at the second inauguration of President Barack Obama in Washington DC. Subscribe for more videos bit.ly Join the conversation on Facebook www.facebook.com Add TDC to your circles on Google+ plus.google.com Follow The Daily Conversation on Twitter www.twitter.com Keywords: TDC TheDailyConversation The Daily Conversation Author: TheDailyConversation Duration: 1:41
Photos for video James Taylor's Presidential Inauguration Performance - 2013 Inauguration of Barack Obama
--Pat Robertson, after claiming that God told him who would win the 2012 election, admits that he "missed" God's message about the 2012 election. --On the Bonus Show: 220 sq ft apartments in San Francisco, churches offer concealed weapons training, blood bricks, more... How do you get the Bonus Show? Become a member: www.davidpakman.com If you liked this clip of The David Pakman Show, please do us a big favor and share it with your friends... and hit that "like" button! www.davidpakman.com Become a Member www.davidpakman.com Like Us on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow Us on Twitter: www.twitter.com Get TDPS Gear: www.davidpakman.com 24/7 Voicemail Line: (219)-2DAVIDP Subscribe to The David Pakman Show for more: www.youtube.com Broadcast on November 26, 2012 Author: MidweekPolitics Duration: 2:07
Photos for video Pat Robertson Admits He Missed God's Message on 2012 Election
Вся история нынешней власти наполнена постоянными уступками Западу. Апогеем таких уступок стала идея размещения транзитной базы НАТО в Ульяновске - в самом сердце России, с ее огромным скоплением предприятий военно-промышленного комплекса! Мнением народа по этому, возможно, судьбоносному вопросу власть не интересуется... Коммунисты считают, что нынешняя политика правящей элиты России может быть только прозападной - по самой сути их классового родства... Выступление на заседании Государственной думы депутата от фракции КПРФ, члена президиума ЦК КПРФ В.Н.Тетекина. Author: CommunistPartyRF Duration: 3:49
Photos for video База НАТО: дорога в Россию открыта?
Секретные материалы: Основной инстинкт Хилари. • Шерон Стоун или серая мышка Хиллари. Мечты и реалии госсекретаря. • Открытие интернета для нужд дипломатии. Скромное обаяние первой леди. • Хиллари Клинтон 20 лет спустя. Цифровое облако оранжевых революций. • Куда ни кинь, повсюду Клинтон. Спасибо Моника. Вау - возглас пахнущий смертью. • Россия в объятиях биоробота и всё под контролем в программе "Основной инстинкт Хиллари" Участники: Игорь Князькин, Валерий Островский, Наталья Цветкова. Передача из цикла «Секретные материалы» телеканала «Мир» 14 марта 2012 года. Все тайное становится явным! Хотите узнать правду? Побывать за кулисами большой политики? Понять, что на самом деле происходит в мире? Увидеть подоплеку событий? Сенсационные разоблачения и тайны элиты. Парадоксы истории и зашифрованные открытия. Вход в круг посвященных только на телеканале «Мир» в программе «Секретные материалы». Author: Conspiracy Theory Duration: 25:56
Photos for video ОСНОВНОЙ ИНСТИНКТ ХИЛАРИ - Секретные материалы 14.03.12
The hypocrisy of Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama bombing Libya, a war crime resulting in tens of thousands of deaths and the maiming of countless others. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 11:12
Photos for video Obama Calls Murder of Children in Libya A "Success"
Obama on Libya: "I Don't Even Have to Get to the Constitutional Question" Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv June 30, 2011 During his speech yesterday, Barack Obama delivered probably the most arrogant statement thus far betraying his open hostility to the rule of law as it applies to his administration's illegal war on Libya, churlishly dismissing criticism from Congress and remarking, "I don't even have to get to the Constitutional question." www.infowars.com Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:09
Photos for video The Arrogance of Emperor Obama - Alex Jones Tv 1/3
Mirrored from this video - www.youtube.com All politicians sound good running for office, but we need to look at their actions, NOT their words. George HW Bush - George W. Bush - Barack Obama. Three different men, three similar Presidents. Top 3 Obama Excuses 1. Give him time - The Job is 4 years long. He has been in almost a year. I think he has had plenty of time. 2. He is better then McCain - I agree, but that is not saying much. He is not better then Ron Paul or Dennis Kucinich. Has it not been made abundantly clear that this fake Democrat and Republican thing is a complete and utter joke? They all act like they have all the answers when they have no control, but when they get in office they mess it up. This has been the same sick joke for about 4 decades now. 3. He inherited a bad job I agree, but he is not going in a different direction than we were already headed. If he were changing course I think we all would and should be more patient. The facts clearly state otherwise. FACT: (google any of these topics and you will see several articles confirming these. It is not my job to do your research and many of these are already in the video itself being reported by the mainstream media. That is how bad it is right now. Even they cant cover for all this nonsense.) The economy is worse now after his stimulus. Unemployment went to over 10% even after the stimulus when they said it would not get that high if we passed it. Guantanamo Bay is not going to be closed on time, if <b>...</b> Author: Marcus Riley Duration: 11:00
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at www.WBLR.com. Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at www.WBLR.com. He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep Author: mjrob1914 Duration: 10:01
Photos for video The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 4: Dr. Ray Hagins
www.campaignforliberty.com FAIR USE NOTICE We are making this material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights,economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Author: greenback001 Duration: 2:47
See Indian Comedian Dan Nainan tearing it up at the top comedy clubs in the country, and theaters, corporate functions, charity benefits, colleges, et cetera. With Hillary Clinton, Howard Dean, Russell Peters, Robert Schimmel, Sanjay Gupta, Andy Grove, etc. Author: dan nainan Duration: 9:57
Photos for video Indian Comedian Dan Nainan Video Resume Coast to Coast Live!