PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND GIVE A THUMBS UP! If you're reading this at click "Original Article" for the video. For Blushield products that protect you from wireless radiation click here: Vinny's NUTShell: Jordan Maxwell enlightens us as to his journey of waking up, what role his parents played, and some very strange spiritual experiences that made him begin to question, research and learn all that he can. The truth that we are not alone in the universe either physically or spiritually. His lament at the fall of America and the peoples manipulation by the Republican (NAZI) Party and the Democrat (Communist) Party that is leading them quickly into tyranny. Listen to the whole show here: Please buy a dvd! Watch this video and please share it around! Author: MRNEWSguerillamedia Duration: 95:04
Photos for video Jordan Maxwell, How I started to question everything, Vinny Eastwood Show Mar 14 2012
SUBSCRIBE AND SPREAD THE MESSAGE! WE R LEGION! No corporate police officials where harmed during the making of this video only serfs get killed of harmed. Its time to realise the elite have enslaved us all while using costumed thugs to make you fall into line even with brute force and the thugs never face criminal charges because there is a law for slaves and one for masters, who gave police fake powers over humans politicians who have no power over us because they are there to serve us not oppress us, so wake up they tell police they can have all the toys and powers they want all they must do is serve the corporate elite while being funded by the people. The United States and UK has growing problem with police abuse, brutality, and corruption. It is essential for civilians to document their encounters with police officers to ensure transparency, accountability, and safety to all of those involved. Police departments have, for too long, tried to bully, intimidate, threaten, arrest, or otherwise harass law abiding citizens from recording the activities of law enforcement in public. Enough is enough! It is time for all of us to take a stand and expose police brutality when we witness it and as they refuse to be held accountable we mus now disarm them when we see them acting outside the law we have a duty o unite and strip them of their weapons and costume and send a message to the elite that their hired thugs will no longer be tollerated in a civil society we will police <b>...</b> Author: mayhem2012anonymous Duration: 8:16
Photos for video Anonymous Message: Recording the Police Is Necessary
Vkontakte : А Я В ШОКЕ ! Обама, Медведев и Лукашенко оказались в одной лодке после авиакатастрофы. Все с понтами, и никто не хочет грести. Обама говорит: ну, вы же понимаете, мы сверхдержава тут над всеми. То же и Медведев: Россия ядерная держава... Ну, давай ты, Лукашенко. Лукашенко говорит: Да нет, ребята давайте мы проголосуем. Как будет, так будет. Author: YouNewsTuber Duration: 2:34
Obama and his anger translator Luther share a special message for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Subscribe to Comedy Central's channel for more videos by clicking this: Visit the official site: Find the Show on Facebook - RSVP to our Facebook Event and let your friends know - "Like" Comedy Central on Facebook: Don't forget to tell us what you thought in the comments, "like" the video and subscribe to our channel for more of your Comedy Central favorites. Author: comedycentral Duration: 1:10
Photos for video Key & Peele: Martin Luther King Day
Join 'The WAVE' today at **GET your official 'MADE in the CIA' T-shirt here!!! http Follow us on Facebook at Follow us on Twitter at Author: cgreene34 Duration: 10:26
Photos for video BREAKING NEWS: Obama Launches World War 3 (2/3)
23.07.10 UPDATE: Disclaimer: I did not produce the audio used, nor the footage used. Property of Epic Games. I merely mushed this abomination together. No copyright intended *Sunday 26th - 100000 views for THIS...? You gotta be kiddin' me Author: CydusProductions Duration: 3:58