Sunday, October 9, 2011

Marijuana Crackdown By Obama Admin - Big Pharma $

Marijuana Crackdown By Obama Admin - Big Pharma $Federal prosecutors in the Obama Administration are planning on going after medical marijuana dispensaries. How are pharmaceutical companies involved? Cenk Uygur and Misty Kingma discuss on The Young Turks. The Young Turks on Current TV: The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: Facebook: Twitter: Support TYT for FREE:
Author: TheYoungTurks
Duration: 3:39

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Marijuana Crackdown By Obama Admin - Big Pharma $
Video Marijuana Crackdown By Obama Admin - Big Pharma $ Marijuana Crackdown By Obama Admin - Big Pharma $ Marijuana Crackdown By Obama Admin - Big Pharma $

Friday, October 7, 2011

Kierra Sheard - Indescribable (Live)

Kierra Sheard - Indescribable (Live)Kierra Sheard delivers a riveting rendition of "Indescribable" which can also be heard on her new album, "Free", in stores October 18th!
Author: Sc0rpion
Duration: 6:52

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Kierra Sheard - Indescribable (Live)
Video Kierra Sheard - Indescribable (Live) Kierra Sheard - Indescribable (Live) Kierra Sheard - Indescribable (Live)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

NewsBusted 10/7/11

NewsBusted 10/7/11Topics in today's show: --Michael Jackson wrongful death trial has now started --Records show the number of small donors to Obama has decreased --A repair shop in Texas has come under fire for asking customers to recite a Bible verse to get a discount on your oil change --Six million Americans age 25-34 still live at home with their parents --A new CNN poll found 90% of Americans believe economic conditions remain poor --The price to buy a raffle to have dinner with Obama has gone down to $3 --CNN's Gergen admits to swimming in his underwear with George Clooney while covering the actor for a story --A California teacher has banned students from saying "bless you" Love NewsBusted and want to receive alerts about new episodes in your email? Visit
Author: newsbusted
Duration: 2:43

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NewsBusted 10/7/11
Video NewsBusted 10/7/11 NewsBusted 10/7/11 NewsBusted 10/7/11

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Holder vs White House: Who Is Accountable?

Holder vs White House: Who Is Accountable?Get the Fast & Furious facts at Your government - in the form of the Obama-Holder Justice Department - helped arm Mexican drug cartels through the botched sting known as Operation Fast and Furious. Hundreds have died and the Obama Administration refuses to answer the question: who is accountable here? Where does the buck stop? Oversight Committee watchdogs, led by Chairman Darrell Issa, will not relent until those responsible for this felony stupid, deadly Obama Administration program is held to public account. Americans have a right to know. 10-7-11: Oversight Productions
Author: oversightandreform
Duration: 1:18

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Holder vs White House: Who Is Accountable?
Video Holder vs White House: Who Is Accountable? Holder vs White House: Who Is Accountable? Holder vs White House: Who Is Accountable?

Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!

Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! Make sure to LIKE, FAVORITE, SHARE, and COMMENT. Lets push this to the top! NOTE: It is important to separate hunting down terrorists who attack our country and deserve justice (which Ron Paul is 100% for), and not confuse justice with occupying entire countries for a decade under the guise of the "War on Terror" or "Spreading Democracy". Terrorists are individuals and small groups, so why are we picking fights with entire nations? BILLIONS for Defense, NOT A PENNY for Empire. This speech is called "Imagine" and it was given by Ron Paul on March 11, 2009. The original text of the talk is below: Imagine for a moment that somewhere in the middle of Texas there was a large foreign military base, say Chinese or Russian. Imagine that thousands of armed foreign troops were constantly patrolling American streets in military vehicles. Imagine they were here under the auspices of "keeping us safe" or "promoting democracy" or "protecting their strategic interests." Imagine that they operated outside of US law, and that the Constitution did not apply to them. Imagine that every now and then they made mistakes or acted on bad information and accidentally killed or terrorized innocent Americans, including women and children, most of the time with little to no repercussions or consequences. Imagine that they set up checkpoints on our soil and routinely searched and ransacked entire neighborhoods of homes. Imagine if Americans were fearful of these foreign troops, and <b>...</b>
Author: TheRevolutionPAC
Duration: 3:11

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Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!
Video Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! Armed Chinese Troops in Texas! Armed Chinese Troops in Texas!

Hedges: No way in US system to vote against banks

Hedges: No way in US system to vote against banksBetween Occupy Wall Street, in New York, and the other cities it's spread to, as well as the October 2011 movement that just began here in DC, something seems to be happening in this country. Earlier at Freedom Plaza Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter and author, tells us what this could lead to.
Author: TheAlyonaShow
Duration: 10:29

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Hedges: No way in US system to vote against banks
Video Hedges: No way in US system to vote against banks Hedges: No way in US system to vote against banks Hedges: No way in US system to vote against banks

Obama Promises to Label GMOs

Obama Promises to Label GMOsWhile on the campaign trail in 2007, Barack Obama promised to label GMO foods if elected. Now's the time! Today, an estimated 80% of processed foods contain GMOs. Tell President Obama you agree that the US needs GMO labeling "because Americans should know what they're buying". For the past 20 years, Americans have been denied the right to know what's in their food. Help make this the Change We Can Believe In:
Author: fooddemocracynow
Duration: 1:00

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Obama Promises to Label GMOs
Video Obama Promises to Label GMOs Obama Promises to Label GMOs Obama Promises to Label GMOs