Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Murder of The Constitution in Full Public View by Congress & Obama: Paul Craig Roberts 1/2

Murder of The Constitution in Full Public View by Congress & Obama: Paul Craig Roberts 1/2On the Thursday edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with columnist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan Administration, Paul Craig Roberts. He is the author of How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds and other titles. Roberts official website
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 13:50

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Murder of The Constitution in Full Public View by Congress & Obama: Paul Craig Roberts 1/2
Video Murder of The Constitution in Full Public View by Congress & Obama: Paul Craig Roberts 1/2 Murder of The Constitution in Full Public View by Congress & Obama: Paul Craig Roberts 1/2 Murder of The Constitution in Full Public View by Congress & Obama: Paul Craig Roberts 1/2

Anonymous - NDAA Bill Signed

Anonymous - NDAA Bill SignedAMERICAN FREEDOM ALERT - CODE RED. The Government has committed TREASON against you! Will you sit and watch while your freedoms are taken away? Or will you walk out your door and fight for your rights? THE CHOICE IS YOURS. THE LATTER IS BEST. Gather an army of people. Flood the streets. If police gives you violence, give them tenfold of that. OCCUPATIONS ARE OVER. REAL REVOLUTION IS HERE. THE FORMER UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SHALL BE DESTROYED. In his last official act of business in 2011, President Barack Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act from his vacation rental in Kailua, Hawaii. In a statement, the president said he did so with reservations about key provisions in the law — including a controversial component that would allow the military to indefinitely detain terror suspects, including American citizens arrested in the United States, without charge. The president defended his action, writing that he signed the act, "chiefly because it authorizes funding for the defense of the United States and its interests abroad, crucial services for service members and their families, and vital national security programs that must be renewed." Some citizens remain completely confused by the language of the bill, running around the Internet screaming that the law "does not apply to American citizens." This is, naturally, part of the side effect of having such a dumbed-down education system where people can't even parse the English language anymore. If you read the <b>...</b>
Author: anonymous04210
Duration: 5:06

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Anonymous - NDAA Bill Signed
Video Anonymous - NDAA Bill Signed Anonymous - NDAA Bill Signed Anonymous - NDAA Bill Signed

Why the Warmongering Media Fears a Ron Paul Presidency

Why the Warmongering Media Fears a Ron Paul Presidency1st guy: "...We've shown, we've proved (misspoke), we've proved over the last ten years or etc., repeatedly that we only do one at a time. We can fight two wars." 2nd guy: "This is all get'n interrupted when he's, Ron Paul becomes President" Woman laughs 1st guy: "See, see this room? Two-thirds of us laid off when Ron Paul is President" Guys laughing 2nd guy: "...Truman doctrine... since before Obama was born" Woman: [inaudible] 1st guy:"Well World War II. We fought two wars [inaudible] that's where it comes from [inaudible] fully mobilized country [inaudible]" Woman: [inaudible] CSPAN announcer: "We are live again at the Pentagon this morning where President Obama is expected to talk about the defeat (misspoke) defense strategic...[end of clip]"
Author: RonPaul2008dotcom
Duration: 1:00

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Why the Warmongering Media Fears a Ron Paul Presidency
Video Why the Warmongering Media Fears a Ron Paul Presidency Why the Warmongering Media Fears a Ron Paul Presidency Why the Warmongering Media Fears a Ron Paul Presidency

Ron Paul on Piers Morgan Tonight CNN 1/4/12

Ron Paul on Piers Morgan Tonight CNN 1/4/12Ron Paul on Piers Morgan Tonight CNN 1/4/12
Author: LibertySource
Duration: 15:58

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Ron Paul on Piers Morgan Tonight CNN 1/4/12
Video Ron Paul on Piers Morgan Tonight CNN 1/4/12 Ron Paul on Piers Morgan Tonight CNN 1/4/12 Ron Paul on Piers Morgan Tonight CNN 1/4/12

Former Chief of CIA Supports Ron Paul Views

Former Chief of CIA Supports Ron Paul ViewsFormer Chief of CIA Bin Laden Unit Supports Ron Paul Views on foreign policies, and the war on terror. We are fighting a war on terrorist not a country. We are spending to much, and taxes are going to killing innocent people. We all blood on our hands, we need to change, REAL CHANGE!!!
Author: ReLOVEution2012
Duration: 5:07

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Former Chief of CIA Supports Ron Paul Views
Video Former Chief of CIA Supports Ron Paul Views Former Chief of CIA Supports Ron Paul Views Former Chief of CIA Supports Ron Paul Views

Monday, January 2, 2012

The World is Endorsing Ron Paul For President in 2012

The World is Endorsing Ron Paul For President in 2012Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate opposing the corrupt Federal Reserve System, the unjust Income Tax, and the ONLY ONE that will actually bring the troops home. Dr. Paul has received more support from the troops than ALL the other candidates COMBINED. Ron Paul is our LAST and ONLY HOPE to avert the impending Third World War that is now being planned by the banksters and warmongers of the ruling elite. This video was originally posted here: PEACE AND LOVE to all
Author: jdogsful
Duration: 11:55

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The World is Endorsing Ron Paul For President in 2012
Video The World is Endorsing Ron Paul For President in 2012 The World is Endorsing Ron Paul For President in 2012 The World is Endorsing Ron Paul For President in 2012

Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law

Obama Signs NDAA Martial Lawby coffeefication video from 2009 NDAA was planned along time ago ! Petition Arrest Rogue US Senators that support National Defense Authorization Act S1867 Rohbss New Channel. 1st channel Terminated because Truth #1 threat to Elites Security. Your life is in Jeopardy !...
Author: Rohbss2
Duration: 7:42

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Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law
Video Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law Obama Signs NDAA Martial Law