Saturday, September 1, 2012

Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 43 (27.08.12-02.09.12)

Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 43 (27.08.12-02.09.12) Распространите это видео как можно шире! Прошедшая неделя в Сирии ознаменовалась значительным количеством успешных операций правительственных сил против боевиков. В провинциях Дамаск, Алеппо, Хомс и Хама было выявлено и уничтожено несколько десятков групп бандитов. Среди них немало именитых ваххабитских главарей. Однако говорить о скором окончании противостояния пока не приходится. В городе Джарамана, который расположен примерно в 10 км от Дамаска боевики устроили циничный теракт. Ими была подорвана похоронная процессия на кладбище. В результате погибло, по меньшей мере, 12 человек, еще 48, среди которых дети, получили ранения. В провинции Дамаск боевики зверски зарезали 20 мирных граждан, включая женщин, чтобы выдать их за жертв режима Башара Асада. Тела убитых были перенесены бандитами в мечеть Шейх-Аскар, которая была предварительно заминирована ими. План заключался в том, чтобы спровоцировать войска на перестрелку, взорвать мечеть и заявить, что это правительственные силы расстреляли мирных жителей при помощи артиллерии. Происходило это накануне очередного заседания Совбеза ООН по Сирии. Исламская дуга Мы не перестаем отмечать, что влияние нестабильности на Ближнем Востоке все явственнее отражается на ситуации в России, что, впрочем, не удивительно. Так летом 2008 года многие всерьез считали, что ипотечный кризис в США никак не отразится на нашей «тихой гавани». Теперь же речь идет о событиях, которые имеют куда более страшный взрывной потенциал и он уже начал <b>...</b>
Author: MrEsuper
Duration: 9:56

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Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 43 (27.08.12-02.09.12)
Video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 43 (27.08.12-02.09.12) Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 43 (27.08.12-02.09.12) Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю 43 (27.08.12-02.09.12)

Political Illusion Exposes Rand Paul Paul Ryan Richard Mack bad politics

Political Illusion Exposes Rand Paul Paul Ryan Richard Mack bad politicsLike us on Facebook: Follow us on Twitter: The revised video is here: It contains 3 more minutes of relevant content and a MUCH improved ending. Thanks for watching While thinking about the state of our country and the scarcity of the patriots therein, I was moved to make a short video on my Constitutional thoughts regarding 3 men who are hailed in the Republican ranks as "champions" of the Republic. (former Sheriff) Richard Mack, (Senator) Rand Paul and (vice presidential nominee) Paul Ryan. So I got out my trusty iPhone and just began to record the thoughts that went through my head as I drove, walked and trudged through life's mundane obstacle course. My "short" video turned into a longer version, but I really tried to include relevant information without any fluff. There are humorous parts, but my hope is that, instead of detracting from the main issues, they will aid in uncovering the ENORMOUS lie the media and our "benevolent" government is attempting to make us swallow -- that is, that we actually have different choices in the two-party political arena. I don't post this video for gain of popularity - it is posted because I think that it is RIGHT to shine a bright spotlight of TRUTH on those who claim to uphold the staff of light and lead the way, while they are covered in darkness and lead astray; and to tell as many as will listen, that we, the people of this patriot-purchased piece of terra firma - we call America <b>...</b>
Author: OneTruth4Life
Duration: 11:52

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Political Illusion Exposes Rand Paul Paul Ryan Richard Mack bad politics
Video Political Illusion Exposes Rand Paul Paul Ryan Richard Mack bad politics Political Illusion Exposes Rand Paul Paul Ryan Richard Mack bad politics Political Illusion Exposes Rand Paul Paul Ryan Richard Mack bad politics

Friday, August 31, 2012

Ron Paul on Mitt Romney & Federal Reserve Policy Bloomberg 8/31/12

Ron Paul on Mitt Romney & Federal Reserve Policy Bloomberg 8/31/12Ron Paul on Mitt Romney + Federal Reserve Policy Bloomberg 8/31/12
Author: LibertySource
Duration: 6:57

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Ron Paul on Mitt Romney & Federal Reserve Policy Bloomberg 8/31/12
Video Ron Paul on Mitt Romney & Federal Reserve Policy Bloomberg 8/31/12 Ron Paul on Mitt Romney & Federal Reserve Policy Bloomberg 8/31/12 Ron Paul on Mitt Romney & Federal Reserve Policy Bloomberg 8/31/12

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Obama Does Reddit, Carl's Jr. Sexy New Ad, EcoXGear

Obama Does Reddit, Carl's Jr. Sexy New Ad, EcoXGearFirst up, as the Presidential race kicks into a fever pitched overdrive, candidates are taking to the web to connect with voters. Mitt Romney attempted to use a smartphone app to announce his running mate Paul Ryan - he failed when Twitter broke the news first. And Obama recently took part in a surprise Reddit AMA to address questions from users of the popular online aggregator. So how the President do. Not bad. He broke even in terms of upvotes and downvotes, but he soared in terms of visibility. At one point Reddit went down due to overwhelming traffic. The President answered 10 questions during a half hour session on topics ranging from the war to tax cuts to campaign financing reform. Obama's clearly capitalizing on the online strategies he successfully employed in 2008. Will he pull a repeat victory? Next up, Carl's Jr has some new kind of pulled pork cheeseburger sandwich or something...but who cares? They have a new ad featuring not one but TWO scantily clad ladies slathering up that meat and feeding each other. It actually looks a lot harder to eat that way. Oh well. It's up to Sara Jean Underwood and Emily Ratajkowski to fill the void left by Kate Upton this time around and it looks Carl's Jr has another ad on their hands that will never end up on the air. As for the burger itself, it looks to be a heart-attack inducing mouthgasm-burger filled with pulled pork and cheese. The exact kind of sandwich these girls are probably contractually obligated <b>...</b>
Author: AskMenVIDEO
Duration: 2:53

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Obama Does Reddit, Carl's Jr. Sexy New Ad, EcoXGear
Video Obama Does Reddit, Carl's Jr. Sexy New Ad, EcoXGear Obama Does Reddit, Carl's Jr. Sexy New Ad, EcoXGear Obama Does Reddit, Carl's Jr. Sexy New Ad, EcoXGear


IRAN LIE same as IRAQ LIEMike Rivero explains the so called "Iran nuclear threat". TV smash by Abby Media Roots.
Author: TheParadigmShift
Duration: 10:31

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The Speech that Made Obama President

The Speech that Made Obama PresidentIn 2004, a one-term senator from Illinois took the stage to deliver the keynote speech at the Democratic National Convention in Boston. By the time Barack Obama had finished speaking, Democrats across the country knew they had seen the future of their party. Political speech experts featured in this episode include: Michael A. Cohen Author, Live From The Campaign Trail Mario Cuomo Former Governor of New York Robert Lehrman Chief Speechwriter for Vice President Gore and Professor of Speechwriting, American University Charlton McIlwain Professor of Communication, New York University Jeff Shesol Speechwriter for President Clinton and Founding Partner, West Wing Writers PODIUM is a bi-weekly series that embraces the art of public speaking and honors those with something to say. From historic political speeches, to contemporary commencement addresses, to wedding toasts, the series explores various genres of speechmaking and provides inspiring, insightful analysis including "how-to" content. Created and produced by, THNKR gives you extraordinary access to the people, stories, places and thinking that will change your mind. Follow @THNKR on Twitter for the latest! Like us on Facebook: Check out what we're into on Tumblr:
Author: thnkrtv
Duration: 6:13

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The Speech that Made Obama President
Video The Speech that Made Obama President The Speech that Made Obama President The Speech that Made Obama President

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Anonymous: The reality of America

Anonymous: The reality of AmericaGreetings world, We are anonymous. Its time for the american people to open there eyes and start to look how their country is being defended! Men and women in uniform are being used as the powers that control what once was citizen of americas country. The federal Government is owned and operated by NWO... international banksters. The american people MUST bring the power to our hands again!We need justice!we need to fight for our rights!Men and women in uniform need to wake up and see the reality. Soon you will be rembered throughout history as 21st Century nazis. Also the cops in america need to wake up! Anonymous are Prepaird to bring the justice. No justice no peace! We are anonymous We are legion We do not forget We do not forgive Expect us
Author: Hiluxanon
Duration: 5:07

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Anonymous: The reality of America
Video Anonymous: The reality of America Anonymous: The reality of America Anonymous: The reality of America