Saturday, January 15, 2011

Weather radar shows something unusual !! Military HAARP & Major WORLDWIDE Heavy Seismic Activity!

Weather radar shows something unusual !! Military HAARP & Major WORLDWIDE Heavy Seismic Activity!THIS IS MY BLOG TOWERING INFERNO AND STAND BUT 911 TOWERS FALL.avi Moscow Skyscraper Goes Up in Flames But Does Not Collapse Flame Turns On Computer Microphones, Takes Screen Shots, Copies Data, Records Communications New Big Brother Cyber Weapon Can Turn on Your Computer's Microphone, Record Communications Virginia Gov: Warrantless Drones "Great" for America Landslide Closes I-75 South In Campbell County Friday, March 09, jellico mountain landslide Arizona Sheriff Not Backing Down On Obama Birth Issue Tepco: 'No Plan' To Deal With A Fukushima Collapse That Threatens Civilization RED ALERT, POSSIBLE MISSILES ON TRAIN UNDER THE COVER OF NIGHT! Army Missles Space Craft in Indianapolis Indiana URGENT! The Role of Delegates in the US Presidential Nominating Process ! WE CAN HELP RON PAUL IF WE KNOW HOW Fukushima: If Number 4 Collapses, Japan Will Be Evacuated & FEATURED STORIES WORLD WAR III: Obama has signed 3 new executive orders: NDAA 2013: Now Featuring Propaganda And War With Iran Homeland Security in the Land of the Free & Obama: The Groomed from Birth Dictator Republican-led House votes to allow military action against Iran OBAMA'S LIES? THE TRUTH AND NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH SO HELP ME GOD The Vetting -- Exclusive <b>...</b>
Author: tatoott1009
Duration: 82:10

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Weather radar shows something unusual !! Military HAARP & Major WORLDWIDE Heavy Seismic Activity!
Video Weather radar shows something unusual !! Military HAARP & Major WORLDWIDE Heavy Seismic Activity! Weather radar shows something unusual !! Military HAARP & Major WORLDWIDE Heavy Seismic Activity! Weather radar shows something unusual !! Military HAARP & Major WORLDWIDE Heavy Seismic Activity!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

President Obama: Memorial in Arizona

President Obama: Memorial in ArizonaThe President speaks at a memorial event for the victims of the tragic shooting in Arizona, "Together We Thrive: Tucson and America."
Author: whitehouse
Duration: 33:45

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President Obama: Memorial in Arizona
Video President Obama: Memorial in Arizona President Obama: Memorial in Arizona President Obama: Memorial in Arizona

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

AU Every Day... President Obama Calls Coach Chizik

AU Every Day... President Obama Calls Coach ChizikFrom Auburn Football: Every Day...
Author: AuburnAthletics
Duration: 2:41

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AU Every Day... President Obama Calls Coach Chizik
Video AU Every Day... President Obama Calls Coach Chizik AU Every Day... President Obama Calls Coach Chizik AU Every Day... President Obama Calls Coach Chizik

FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and Civil War Coming Soon! (2011)

FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and Civil War Coming Soon! (2011)( ) What exactly is coming SOON to the United States? How is the MIAC report related to this? What are the facts? ___________________________________________________________ Please feel free to check out this website ( http ) for important news, eye-opening videos, and mind-blowing information. ___________________________________________________________ Extra Tags: berlin wall, g20, bilderberg, new international order, alex jones, 2012 end of the world, mayan prophecies, revelation, prophecy, terrorists, 9/11 inside job, false flag, david rockefeller, illuminati in movies, subliminal messages in movies, domestic terrorists, global financial crisis, collapse of the dollar, end of the world as we know it, gerald celente, end of america, global government, north american union, tea parties, washington dc, war in afganistan, war in iran, politics, news, current events, trends, economy, economic meltdown, global dictatorship, haarp, chem trails, endless war, riots, chaos, martial law, end of days, new president, election, social breakdown, disorder, obama deception, police state, military industrial complex, conspiracy, world trade center, new mosque, barry soetoro, joker agent of chaos, obama the joker, elite, illuminati, globalists, 2012 agenda, new world order in 2013, new world order in 2012, lies, deception, anarchy, second revolution, G-20 summit, g20 summit, bilderberg 2010, john todd, heath ledger, lindsey williams, oil spill, doom, nibiru <b>...</b>
Author: 19justinbrown88
Duration: 9:59

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FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and Civil War Coming Soon! (2011)
Video FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and Civil War Coming Soon! (2011) FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and Civil War Coming Soon! (2011) FEMA Camps, Martial Law, and Civil War Coming Soon! (2011)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Kate Ryan-Voyage Voyage (extended mix) Best Remix with great beaches !

Kate Ryan-Voyage Voyage (extended mix) Best Remix with great beaches !You must set this video to 720p for a better sound ! I don't own this remix , i just wanna promote this remarquable remix !
Author: yananasyan
Duration: 7:14

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Kate Ryan-Voyage Voyage (extended mix) Best Remix with great beaches !
Video Kate Ryan-Voyage Voyage (extended mix) Best Remix with great beaches ! Kate Ryan-Voyage Voyage (extended mix) Best Remix with great beaches ! Kate Ryan-Voyage Voyage (extended mix) Best Remix with great beaches !

John Wheeler III Murdered for Threatining to Expose US Military Test of Poison Gas?

John Wheeler III Murdered for Threatining to Expose US Military Test of Poison Gas?A shocking report prepared for Prime Minister Putin by the Foreign Military Intelligence Directorate (GRU) states that one of the United States top experts in biological and chemical weapons was brutally murdered after he threatened to expose a US Military test of poison gas that killed hundreds of thousands of animals in Arkansas this past week. According to this report, John P. Wheeler III, Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force, Washington, DC from 2005-2008, when he became the Special Assistant to the Acting Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Installations, Logistics and Environment, was found brutally murdered and dumped in a landfill, and as we can read as reported by Fox News: "Delaware Police are investigating the apparent murder of a former Bush official who also championed the fund-raising effort to build the Vietnam Veterans Memorial on the Mall in Washington, DC Wheeler's body was found in Wilmington on Friday. According to police, somebody initially reported that the body was dumped out of a refuse truck, which would have been coming from Newark, onto the landfill. Newark Police spokesman Lt. Mark Farrall told Fox News that nobody had reported Wheeler missing before he was found. The Wilmington News Journal reported that Wheeler was last seen riding an Amtrak train from Washington to Wilmington, Del., last Tuesday." Wheeler's military career included writing one of the most important manuals on the effectiveness of biological and chemical <b>...</b>
Author: o1OpTiMuS1o
Duration: 2:33

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John Wheeler III Murdered for Threatining to Expose US Military Test of Poison Gas?
Video John Wheeler III Murdered for Threatining to Expose US Military Test of Poison Gas? John Wheeler III Murdered for Threatining to Expose US Military Test of Poison Gas? John Wheeler III Murdered for Threatining to Expose US Military Test of Poison Gas?

Monday, January 3, 2011

Obama Corruption Investigation By GOP?

Obama Corruption Investigation By GOP?New TYT Network channels: New TYT Facebook Page(!): Follow us on Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): Check Out TYT Interviews
Author: TheYoungTurks
Duration: 4:43

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Obama Corruption Investigation By GOP?
Video Obama Corruption Investigation By GOP? Obama Corruption Investigation By GOP? Obama Corruption Investigation By GOP?