Tuesday, June 17, 2008

E-Verify, North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED

E-Verify, North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSEDFirst, please go to phone.ronpaul2012.com. One EASY phone call from YOU, TODAY, 1 could be the very act makes or breaks Ron Paul winning Iowa! SEND THIS VIDEO TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN ASAP AND THEN LEARN MORE AT: www.ObamaDeception.net ! The plan for the North American Union, the Real ID, the Verichip implant and the One World Government are exposed. John McCain and Barack Obama are exposed as CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) members who are involved. Don't believe what you see on TV (unless you're watching Lou Dobbs). George W. Bush is lying traitor, Barack Obama is following in Bush's footsteps and the American people need to be informed. This conspiracy must be stopped before it's too late. To help, please check out www.CampaignForLiberty.com and get involved with Ron Paul's new campaign. Also, please educate yourself further on many issues that are not getting covered well in the mainstream media. Visit ALL OF THE FOLLOWING WEBSITES AND TELL OTHERS TO VISIT THEM (AGAIN, VISIT ALL OF THEM) www.InfoWars.com http www.NewsWithViews.com http www.TrueWorldHistory.info http www.StopTheNorthAmericanUnion.com http www.CuttingThroughTheMatrix.com http www.TheLawThatNeverWas.com http www.FiatEmpire.com http www.aspartamekills.com http www.MrDefense.com http FINALLY, PLEASE TAKE 5 MINUTES TO SIGN THIS PETITION TO HAVE THE FEDERAL RESERVE AUDITED (HR 1207): www.campaignforliberty.com In addition to this or as alternative, call, email, visit, mail and/or fax your <b>...</b>
Author: RestoreConstitution8
Duration: 11:00

Photos for video
E-Verify, North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED
Video E-Verify, North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED E-Verify, North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED E-Verify, North American Union, RFID, CFR & Amero EXPOSED

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A MUST SEE Interview of Noam Chomsky

A MUST SEE Interview of Noam ChomskyChomsky talks about the secret US foreign policy . PArt2:www.youtube.com
Author: promonument
Duration: 7:34

Photos for video
A MUST SEE Interview of Noam Chomsky
Video A MUST SEE Interview of Noam Chomsky A MUST SEE Interview of Noam Chomsky A MUST SEE Interview of Noam Chomsky

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Charlie Rose - George Will

Charlie Rose - George WillColumnist George Will has been observing and writing about America for almost 40 years. He has just published his eighth collection of his essays. In a wide-ranging conversation with him, he talked about China, Iran, America's resilience, the presidential campaign and how he changed his views about Iraq.
Author: CharlieRose
Duration: 7:12

Photos for video
Charlie Rose - George Will
Video Charlie Rose - George Will Charlie Rose - George Will Charlie Rose - George Will

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul

Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron PaulBilderberg/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul because he is educating young people. Skip to 1:40 to hear the discussion.
Author: bmw69lover
Duration: 10:36

Photos for video
Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul
Video Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News

Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox NewsRon Paul is the only candidate that has a 100% voting record against excess federal spending, against war, and protecting civil liberties. Repost this video to your account and help the United States become respected once again.
Author: Joe Bluhm
Duration: 2:10

Photos for video
Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News
Video Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News