Тема: Ангела Меркель обещает спасти Еврозону от распада. Слушать эфир: www.rusnovosti.ru Получить бесплатно аудиозапись вэбинара Михаила Хазина «Проблемы и возможнсти России - 2012» от 16 марта 2012 года можно подписавшись на рассылку "Экономического дискуссионного клуба" tatiana-badya.ru Блоги Михаила: khazin.livejournal.com worldcrisis.ru Author: Neprotivlenec Duration: 31:19
Photos for video 27.03.2012. ЭКОНОМИКА ПО-РУССКИ с Михаилом Хазиным
Obama was overheard on a microphone delivering a secret message to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev regarding the US missile defense. What is Obama up to, and what does his secret message mean for allies like Israel? Is Obama about to hang Europe out to dry? Is this message treasonous? Find out. See more at www.pjtv.com Author: Pajamasmedia Duration: 8:35
Photos for video Open Mic Treason Night? Obama's Secret Message to Russia
Reason's Damon Root attended the pivotal second day of oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which he described as a "Constitutional Thunderdome." The debate over the legality of the mandate to purchase insurance at the heart of ACA was, says Root, a rough-and-tumble colloquy about the "the role of government in our lives" and "what sort of limits the Constitution places on the federal government." "I'm more confident after today's arguments than I was going in that the individual mandate is in trouble," says Root. Oral arguments end tomorrow and the Supreme Court's decision is expected in early June. Runs about 3 minutes. Produced by Anthony L. Fisher, shot by Josh Swain and Fisher. For more of Reason.tv's coverage of Health Care debate, go here: www.youtube.com Go to Reason.tv for downloadable versions and subscribe to Reason.tv's YouTube Channel to receive automatic updates when new material goes live. Author: ReasonTV Duration: 3:03
Photos for video "Constitutional Thunderdome": Day Two of Obamacare Oral Arguments
Danish TV Host Mocks Obama for His Rhetoric !! Barack Obama and the US has a lot of close and strong allies in the world. And all small countries punches above their weight according to the president. From the show Detektor, Danish Broadcasting Corporation DR. Host is Thomas Buch-Andersen. ................................................................................................ For more Breaking News Plse Subscribe here www.youtube.com My Channel Link www.youtube.com My Breaking News Playlist Link www.youtube.com ................................................................................................ MegaQuakeTracker Keeping you up to date with Lates Quakes M6+ www.youtube.com .............................................................................................. .......................** NEW REALITY SHOW ** ............................. ....................... * The Bug Out Bachelor *............................... See Here www.youtube.com .............................................................................................. Stay Up to Date with the New Reality Show Preparation - Sneak Previews Start - Mid April Pre-Launch - May And the Bug Out Bachelor Will Go Live June .................................................................................. Subscribe Now To Be First To Know www.youtube.com Post this link to your facebooks, etc, A soon as there is 100 000 subscribers ( we guess 2mnths ), Show launch June <b>...</b> Author: pokertron Duration: 3:50
Photos for video Danish TV Host Mocks Obama for His Rhetoric !!
We look at Obama's role in the continued imprisonment of a Yemeni journalist, the relationship between Yemen and the US and the issues behind it. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 26:11
Photos for video Listening Post - The dangers of reporting the 'war on terror'
Jesse Benton on MSNBC talks Paul & Romney "bromance" w/ Alex Wagner 3/23/12 Jesse Benton, spokesman for Ron Paul's presidential campaign, joins NOW to discuss rumors of his candidate's budding "bromance" with his opponent Mitt Romney, and the series of "money bombs" the campaign has used to rake in cash and save up for the GOP races in Texas and California. Author: LibertySource Duration: 8:10
Photos for video Jesse Benton discusses Ron Paul & Romney "bromance" MSNBC 3/23/12