Thursday, April 12, 2012

ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую?

ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую?ВОПРОС - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую? @ ОТВЕТ - Компьютер: CPU Intel Core i5 2500, PCI-E2 GeForce GTX570, MB ASUS P8Z68-V, DDR3 4G 1333MHz Kingston x3, PSU 800W FSP Epsilon, HDD 3Tb WD. Рисую на планшете Genius G-Pen F610 и в программе Adobe Photoshop CS5. Мой сайт - ФУТБОЛКИ - Мой основной канал - Мой второй канал - Мой Твиттер - Группа Вконтакте - Группа Steam - Мои кошельки для желающих меня немного поддержать (да, я наивный) Яндекс Деньги: 41001886424383 WebMoney: R147910088790 Z169617211390
Author: gagatunLive
Duration: 8:06

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ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую?
Video ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую? ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую? ВОПРОСЫ@ОТВЕТЫ - Какой компьютер и в чем рисую?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing

Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing"if things are not fixed and quick : "The cities are going to look like Dodge City. They're going to be uncontrollable. You're going to have gangs in control, motorcycle marauders. You're not going to have enough police or federalis, just like Mexico, to control the situation.New York City looks like Mexico City. If you have money or they think you're going to have money, you're going to be a target for a kidnapping. We're going to see major cities look like Calcutta. There is going to be the homeless, panhandlers, hookers.we are going to see petty thieves and we're going to see pick-pockets. And the other thing, even these — even these gated communities won't be safe, because you're going to see criminality — you're going to see gangs like you've never seen before. Listen, when people have nothing left to lose, and they've lost everything, they lose it. And now, you have a society — we're a dissenting society. I mean, you look at high school graduation rates — you have under 50 percent in major cities."
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 37:25

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Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing
Video Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing

Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone

Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean StoneKurt Nimmo and Alex Jones Aprill 11, 2012 We can only win by launching Impeach Obama 2012. Whether or not we fully impeach him, we are committed to rebuking these unconstitutional and criminal power grabs and are determined to take the case to the court of public opinion. --Alex Jones Film director, producer, actor and writer Sean Stone has thrown his weight behind a resolution introduced in the House last month by North Carolina Republican Walter Jones. Resolution 107 states that should the president use offensive military force without the authorization of Congress that such an act would be "an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor." Article I, Section 8, of the Constitution reserves exclusively for Congress the power to declare war. Both Thomas Jefferson and James Madison argued that the power to declare war must reside in the legislative branch of government and the president will only act as the commander-in-chief and direct the war after it is declared by Congress. "The constitution supposes, what the history of all governments demonstrates, that the executive is the branch of power most interested in war, and most prone to it. It has accordingly with studied care vested the question of war in the legislature," Madison wrote. In the video, Stone notes Obama's unconstitutional war on Libya was waged "despite the fact that the United States was neither attacked, nor threatened for attack by the nation <b>...</b>
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 29:49

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Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone
Video Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone Obama Impeachment 2012 with Film Director Sean Stone

Why Democrat vs. Republican is the Wrong Way to Look at the 2012 Election

Why Democrat vs. Republican is the Wrong Way to Look at the 2012 Election"We had a non-Obama president recently, his name was George W. Bush, it wasn't all puppy dogs and rainbows," says Reason's Matt Welch. "Being Republican is not enough to counter Obama. Mitt Romney is not offering an alternative to Obama," adds's Nick Gillespie. From Newt Gingrich's inexplicable campaign chatter about a taxpayer-subsidized colony on the moon to Mitt Romney's refusal to discuss any specific spending cuts he would implement as president, Republicans continue to offer no real substantive alternative to President Obama's spendthrift economic policies. Welch and Gillespie, the co-authors of "TheDeclaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America," hosted the discussion "Why Democrat vs. Republican is the Wrong Way to Look at the 2012 Election" at Reason Weekend, the annual donor event held by Reason Foundation (the nonprofit that publishes this website). Runs about 30.41 minutes. Produced by Anthony L. Fisher, shot by Josh Swain and Fisher. Go to for downloadable versions of this video and subscribe to's YouTube channel to receive automatic notification when new material goes live.
Author: ReasonTV
Duration: 30:42

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Why Democrat vs. Republican is the Wrong Way to Look at the 2012 Election
Video Why Democrat vs. Republican is the Wrong Way to Look at the 2012 Election Why Democrat vs. Republican is the Wrong Way to Look at the 2012 Election Why Democrat vs. Republican is the Wrong Way to Look at the 2012 Election

Monday, April 9, 2012

Witness the Power of an Idea: Ron Paul Massive Rallies 2012

Witness the Power of an Idea: Ron Paul Massive Rallies 2012Money Bomb Extended! Let's take it to 2.5 Million! Ron Paul 2012: Restore America Now [POSTED UNDER FAIR USE MEDIA REPORTING] FAIR USE NOTICE We are making this material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. -------------------------- Created by Christian Malazarte Voice by Glenn Hascall ( -------------------------- For more information visit the following websites: http http http http http
Author: christianmalazarte
Duration: 1:50

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Witness the Power of an Idea: Ron Paul Massive Rallies 2012
Video Witness the Power of an Idea: Ron Paul Massive Rallies 2012 Witness the Power of an Idea: Ron Paul Massive Rallies 2012 Witness the Power of an Idea: Ron Paul Massive Rallies 2012

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Artificial Scarcity: A Culture in Denial

Artificial Scarcity: A Culture in DenialOn the Monday, April 9 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest news, including reports that antidepressants are causing an epidemic of mass mental illness, renewed call for a global tax on carbon emissions, newly revealed devastating effects of GMO insecticide, the mass drugging of US troops, the prospect of an engineered race war in the wake of the Trayvon Martin case and the Tulsa, Oklahoma shootings and other important news items. He also takes your calls.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 27:57

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Artificial Scarcity: A Culture in Denial
Video Artificial Scarcity: A Culture in Denial Artificial Scarcity: A Culture in Denial Artificial Scarcity: A Culture in Denial

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Барак Обама пародия Wikileaks Yesterday Live

Барак Обама пародия Wikileaks Yesterday Барак Обама с "подслушивающим устройством" Пародия от Естудей Лайв :)
Author: alamirlive
Duration: 2:48

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Барак Обама пародия Wikileaks Yesterday Live
Video Барак Обама пародия Wikileaks Yesterday Live Барак Обама пародия Wikileaks Yesterday Live Барак Обама пародия Wikileaks Yesterday Live