Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hank Williams Jr - Take Back Our Country [2012 NEW SONG]

Hank Williams Jr - Take Back Our Country [2012 NEW SONG]Check out! Obama! ..I'll go find a network wants to treat me right, y'all can take the change and stick it out of sight" and "Hey Barack pack your bags, head to Chicago, take your teleprompter with you so you'll know where to go..."
Author: WarSpectra
Duration: 7:16

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Hank Williams Jr - Take Back Our Country [2012 NEW SONG]
Video Hank Williams Jr - Take Back Our Country [2012 NEW SONG] Hank Williams Jr - Take Back Our Country [2012 NEW SONG] Hank Williams Jr - Take Back Our Country [2012 NEW SONG]

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 35

Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск Помогите разбить информационную блокаду! Распространите это видео как можно шире! Минувшая неделя завершилась крайне неприятным обменом резкими заявлениями России и США. Поводом для этого стала Сирия. Госсекретарь США госпожа Хилари Клинтон, на очередной встрече т.н. «Друзей Сирии», отбросив в сторону дипломатию, перешла к прямым угрозам России. В ответ наш МИД назвал выше обозначенную встречу однобокой, политически неправильной и аморальной. Вот такая вот получилась перезагрузка. На самом деле нужно понимать, что разговор в таком тоне -- это нечто экстраординарное даже для современной дипломатии. Поэтому возникает вопрос -- что послужило причиной такому резкому обострению? Ведь после недавней конференции в Женеве, казалось, что ситуация вокруг Сирии нормализуется, но этого не случилось. Для того чтобы понять причины происходящего, вспомним ключевое предположение нашего прошлого выпуска. Тогда мы решили, что внезапное смягчение позиции Запада по Сирии явилось следствием разрешения России осуществлять комбинированный транзит грузов НАТО из Афганистана через Ульяновск. Но если это действительно так, то тогда почему Запад на этой неделе вернулся на исходные недружелюбные позиции? Все очень просто. 3 июля Пакистан дал США добро на возобновление транзита военных грузов из Афганистана через свою территорию. Это значит, что довольно мощный российский козырь в виде ульяновского транзита перестал иметь значение в геополитической партии. А значит и все договоренности <b>...</b>
Author: MrEsuper
Duration: 9:44

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Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 35
Video Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 35 Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 35 Мировой передел. Обзор за неделю. Выпуск 35

Friday, July 6, 2012

I, Pet Goat II - Illuminati Message??

I, Pet Goat II - Illuminati Message??Published on Jul 7, 2012 by NewAmericaNow I had no part in making this video nor am I associated with the production company... What is it? I do not know but It is very intriguing and worth sharing. You will have to watch this vid many times to see ALL the symbolism, signs and hidden meaning. The word Heliofant represents the devil. Even I, Pet Goat II, based on the the book being read to a class by President George Bush during the 9/11 attacks, has 9 characters, and then 11 at the end? 9/11? Coincidence? Not sure. The video length is 7:27. Date of opening of the Olympic Games. Christ on an Annubis boat? Too much stuff here, and, for my money, way too slick for a showreel. The map on the wall behind Dubya. Pins in Gulf of Mexico, New York, Oklahoma City, New Orleans and Southern Florida. The evolution line above his head, ending with the Illuminated Man. A penis shaped like a missile and tower. Can anyone discern/analyze the faces and/or symbols that shine vaguely through the wiped out chalk? The lightning bolt that divides the brain, watched/guarded by a dragon (Ladon?) What does F=-F mean? Red crescent moon on Obamas face. Canine teeth. Purple, the color of royalty/leadership. The autocue, LOL or 101? Video can also be viewed here- Heliofant homepage- Details about I, Pet Goat II- More about Heliofant- Category: News & Politics Tags <b>...</b>
Author: TheLipperTube
Duration: 7:28

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I, Pet Goat II - Illuminati Message??
Video I, Pet Goat II - Illuminati Message?? I, Pet Goat II - Illuminati Message?? I, Pet Goat II - Illuminati Message??

Thursday, July 5, 2012

FOX NEWS BREAKING! GUN OWNERS ALERT! July 27th ~ OBAMA to sign UN Treaty to ban guns

FOX NEWS BREAKING! GUN OWNERS ALERT! July 27th ~ OBAMA to sign UN Treaty to ban gunsAre you ready for this? We have been warned before now, here it comes. Hang on to your guns.
Author: helias314
Duration: 5:51

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FOX NEWS BREAKING! GUN OWNERS ALERT! July 27th ~ OBAMA to sign UN Treaty to ban guns
Video FOX NEWS BREAKING! GUN OWNERS ALERT! July 27th ~ OBAMA to sign UN Treaty to ban guns FOX NEWS BREAKING! GUN OWNERS ALERT! July 27th ~ OBAMA to sign UN Treaty to ban guns FOX NEWS BREAKING! GUN OWNERS ALERT! July 27th ~ OBAMA to sign UN Treaty to ban guns

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

BREAKING! Detective Probes Obama SSN Mystery - Files Suit in Ohio!

BREAKING! Detective Probes Obama SSN Mystery - Files Suit in Ohio!JACK CASHILL'S ORIGINAL WND REPORT Hear Carl Gallups (narrator) every Friday - 1330 WEBY AM - Gulf Coast Talk Radio Freedom Friday With Carl Gallups LISTEN LIVE ON THE NET or YOUR SMART PHONE! LINKS ======= GET THE BOOK HERE! http MORE CARL GALLUPS MINISTRY MATERIAL HOW TO BE SAVED HOW TO KNOW IF YOU ARE IN A CULT ASK QUESTIONS OR GET HELP WITH SALVATION - Click the EMAIL LINK THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY: Effectively Defending The Christian Faith - Carl Gallups MAGIC MAN - PROMO VIDEO - 1 and 1/2 minutes long MAGIC MAN - FACEBOOK PAGE - LIKE US for Free Books! MAGIC MAN YOUTUBE CHANNEL - SUB US for free books! READ EXCERPTS FROM THE BOOK HERE!
Author: ppsimmons
Duration: 4:47

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BREAKING! Detective Probes Obama SSN Mystery - Files Suit in Ohio!
Video BREAKING! Detective Probes Obama SSN Mystery - Files Suit in Ohio! BREAKING! Detective Probes Obama SSN Mystery - Files Suit in Ohio! BREAKING! Detective Probes Obama SSN Mystery - Files Suit in Ohio!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Putin Press Conference in Jordan

Putin Press Conference in Jordan(Pусский / English subtitles) June 26, 2012, Amman, Jordan - Click the blue numbers before each question to get his answer. 00:38 - What is your outlook (on Syria)? The US has stated that it does not want to talk with Iran on this matter. Do you feel it would be possible to discuss this issue, and settle this problem overall, without Iran? 1:59 - The President of Israel Shimon Peres devoted most of yesterday's reception to the topic of Iran. Do you share his point of view that Iran represents a direct threat to Israel's existence as a state, or could present that threat in the foreseeable future? 3:46 - Do you feel that it was right to accept the resignation of the Russian Football Union President Sergei Fursenko? How, and most importantly, when will we know the name of the next Russian Football Union president? Perhaps you already have an idea of who it might be? And when? 6:03 - Today, you opened a science and culture centre in Bethlehem, and the street where it stands is named after you. Did you know about this? How do you feel -- not only when this is done abroad, but in Russia as well -- about being immortalized like this while you are still living? 7:04 - In these two days, you spoke with all the sides of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Have there been any signs that the situation in settling this conflict may move forward from the current standstill, and were you able to get Mr Netanyahu and Mr Abbas to agree to a personal meeting? 9:01 - Mr President, there is <b>...</b>
Author: Marine1063
Duration: 12:18

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Putin Press Conference in Jordan
Video Putin Press Conference in Jordan Putin Press Conference in Jordan Putin Press Conference in Jordan

Obama Second Term Plan For War on Drugs

Obama Second Term Plan For War on Drugs*"According to Ambinder, Obama's "aides and associates" say that the president is looking to prioritize reform, a reflection of the president's long-held beliefs that strict drug prohibition and enforcement policies have done greater damage to society than good." Source: Tell us what you think Obama should do if he gets a second term in the comment section below. Support The Young Turks by Subscribing Like Us on Facebook: Follow Us on Twitter: Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here:
Author: TheYoungTurks
Duration: 3:21

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Obama Second Term Plan For War on Drugs
Video Obama Second Term Plan For War on Drugs Obama Second Term Plan For War on Drugs Obama Second Term Plan For War on Drugs