Monday, August 13, 2012

Пятая оккупация России

Пятая оккупация РоссииРоссия уже в пятый раз захвачена неприятелем. скачать: - депутат Евгений Фёдоров
Author: poznavatelnoeTV
Duration: 10:21

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Пятая оккупация России
Video Пятая оккупация России Пятая оккупация России Пятая оккупация России

Syria CIVIL WAR - OBAMA signed SECRET order allowing CIA to HELP REBELS

Syria CIVIL WAR - OBAMA signed SECRET order allowing CIA to HELP REBELSSyria CIVIL WAR - OBAMA signed SECRET order allowing CIA to HELP REBELS US President Barack Obama has signed a secret order allowing the CIA and other American agencies to support rebels seeking to overthrow the Assad regime, a US government source told Reuters. Obama reportedly gave the order, known as an intelligence "finding", earlier this year. The presidential finding also provides for US collaboration with a secret command center operated by Turkey and its allies. The full extent of the assistance the "finding" allows the CIA to give the Syrian rebels is unclear. It is also unknown precisely when Obama signed the order. The Obama administration has been open about providing non-military support to the Syrian opposition. On Wednesday, the State Department said it had allotted a total of $25 million for "non-lethal" assistance to the Free Syrian Army. Some of that money may be used to buy communications devices such as encrypted radios, a US official said. The State Department also said the United States has set aside $64 million in humanitarian aid for the Syrian people. Last year, Obama also signed an initial "finding" authorizing US support for Libyan rebels seeking to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. Also on Wednesday, the US Treasury confirmed it had granted authorization for Washington's representative of the Free Syrian Army to conduct financial transactions on behalf of the rebel group. Reports that the Syrian Support Group had been allowed to do so first appeared <b>...</b>
Author: Conspirafied0
Duration: 5:34

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Syria CIVIL WAR - OBAMA signed SECRET order allowing CIA to HELP REBELS
Video Syria CIVIL WAR - OBAMA signed SECRET order allowing CIA to HELP REBELS Syria CIVIL WAR - OBAMA signed SECRET order allowing CIA to HELP REBELS Syria CIVIL WAR - OBAMA signed SECRET order allowing CIA to HELP REBELS

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Добавить в избранное - Три глупости и нежный Путин

Добавить в избранное - Три глупости и нежный ПутинПодпишись на канал - Три глупости и нежный Путин Кто занял первое место в хит — параде «глупости Олимпиады»? С какой скоростью целуется политики? Ответ на эти вопросы, как всегда, найдет Леха «Пингвин» Харитонов. @ Google+ @ ВКонтакте @ Facebook @ Twitter
Author: sportexpress
Duration: 5:18

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Добавить в избранное - Три глупости и нежный Путин
Video Добавить в избранное - Три глупости и нежный Путин Добавить в избранное - Три глупости и нежный Путин Добавить в избранное - Три глупости и нежный Путин

Obama & Peasant Catholics

Obama & Peasant CatholicsThere is a war going on in the Church and the Al Smith Obama dinner is NOT the issue. View links here -
Author: ChurchMilitantTV
Duration: 14:41

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Obama & Peasant Catholics
Video Obama & Peasant Catholics Obama & Peasant Catholics Obama & Peasant Catholics

Saturday, August 11, 2012

No Saving Private Ryan! Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the Betrayal of Ayn Rand

No Saving Private Ryan! Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the Betrayal of Ayn RandEek a Veep! Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio breaks down the cynical lure for desperate libertarians. Freedomain Radio is the largest and most popular philosophy show on the web - Paul Ryan... Voted YES corporate welfare for big agriculture Voted YES pm TARP Voted YES for a bloated defense bill Voted NO to repeal NDAA indefinite detention Voted YES to prohibit reductions in nuclear weapons as required by START Treaty Voted NO to limit military spending on the Afghanistan War Voted YES to override military sequestration (spending cuts) negotiated in last year's 'let raise the debt limit bill'. Voted YES on CISPA, the bill that attacks Internet liberty and the 1st amendment. Voted YES on corporate welfare for the Keystone Pipeline which also authorized the use of Eminent Domain to seize private property for a private use. Voted NO to extend payroll tax cuts which is effectively a tax increase on the poor and middle class. Voted YES to increase the debt ceiling Voted YES on war in Libya Voted NO to limit funding of NATO for use in Libya Voted NO on removing armed forces from Libya Vote YES to extend the Patriot Act Paul Ryan's Budget Ryan's "roadmap to prosperity" lays out $6.2 trillion in cuts over the next 10 years—not, sadly, cuts from what government spends today, but from what President Obama wanted to spend. Spending would actually increase by about a trillion dollars over the decade. Ryan's "radical" budget would only reduce government <b>...</b>
Author: Stefan Molyneux
Duration: 8:33

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No Saving Private Ryan! Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the Betrayal of Ayn Rand
Video No Saving Private Ryan! Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the Betrayal of Ayn Rand No Saving Private Ryan! Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the Betrayal of Ayn Rand No Saving Private Ryan! Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and the Betrayal of Ayn Rand

Friday, August 10, 2012

Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA.

Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA.Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA. A video created from other peoples video and audio. I do not own any of this. Its a video to invite more people into the militia and patriot movement. While politics and economics are a large portion of why the patriot movement is so big right now, we should encourage leftist who support the constitution to be prepared for the inevitable civil war comming to this country. Long Live The Republic!
Author: MBeaverProductions
Duration: 108:02

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Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA.
Video Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA. Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA. Modern American Militia Movement: Mission- Militia USA.

Jill Stein: US political system hostile to Americans

Jill Stein: US political system hostile to Americans*** LATEST: Jill Stein arrested at site of Hofstra debate *** The money-ruled American political system has a pretty straight-ahead Wall Street agenda and is designed to eliminate opposition the way dictatorships do, Jill Stein, the US presidential candidate for the Green Party, shared with RT - FULL SCRIPT at RT LIVE Subscribe to RT! Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Google+ RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios. RT is the first news channel to break the 500 million YouTube views benchmark.
Author: RussiaToday
Duration: 11:55

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Jill Stein: US political system hostile to Americans
Video Jill Stein: US political system hostile to Americans Jill Stein: US political system hostile to Americans Jill Stein: US political system hostile to Americans