Sunday, April 20, 2008

Bro. Aseer @ The Underground Railroad

Bro. Aseer @ The Underground RailroadBro. Aseer @ the underground railroad in brooklyn fulton st. mall bet. hanover place and bond st.
Author: blackmagik363
Duration: 10:06

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Bro. Aseer @ The Underground Railroad
Video Bro. Aseer @ The Underground Railroad Bro. Aseer @ The Underground Railroad Bro. Aseer @ The Underground Railroad

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Jesus Saves: Exposing The International Bankers

Jesus Saves: Exposing The International BankersDuring Saviours' Day 1995, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan exposed to the world, The International Bankers and the worldwide conspiracy to finance criminal activity under the guise of legitimate government institutions such as the Federal Reserve.
Author: Ahmad770
Duration: 10:27

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Jesus Saves: Exposing The International Bankers
Video Jesus Saves: Exposing The International Bankers Jesus Saves: Exposing The International Bankers Jesus Saves: Exposing The International Bankers

Sunday, April 6, 2008

White Catholic priest defends Rev. Jeremiah Wright pt2

White Catholic priest defends Rev. Jeremiah Wright pt2Former Pastor Jeremiah Wright is not a racist, he's not anti-American or a bigot according to those that know him. Catholic priest, Michael Pfleger, is the lastest person to speak out in defense of the reverand following the firestorm of controversy generated by mainstream media. Pfleger speaks of the double standard in media coverage based on race, and racial injustices that still exist today in America. A couple of things here are worth noting: - 9/11 sermon by pastor Wright (yes, Fox News LIED about this, see it in context). - Former Minnesota Governor, Jesse Ventura, recently said some comments that could be labeled anti-American, hateful, and anti-white. But the media has largely ignored that, even though he compared America to Nazi Germany. - Hillary Clinton's former pastor, Dean Snyder, defended Rev. Wright. - Conservative Republican and former presidential candidate Mike Huckabee defended Rev. Wright. - Fox New's Sean Hannity, who widely pushed the Wright story, was long time friends with neo-Nazi shock jock radio host, Hal Turner, a fierce, proud and open racist. - Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was also critical of US government policy (the Vietnam War), social injustice and racism in America. At times he was demonized by media in his time as an anti-American communist, an evil hypocrit, and a demagogue. - Neither Bill O'reilly, Sean Hannity <b>...</b>
Author: starone091705
Duration: 5:58

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White Catholic priest defends Rev. Jeremiah Wright pt2
Video White Catholic priest defends Rev. Jeremiah Wright pt2 White Catholic priest defends Rev. Jeremiah Wright pt2 White Catholic priest defends Rev. Jeremiah Wright pt2

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


RON PAUL WINNING!!!Ron Paul's March on Washington is set for July 12th Sign up and PLEDGE at July 12 March to abolish the IRS and Fed. Reserve Support Ron Paul and lead your fellow Americans to freedom. You can sign up to be a delegate on http ****look for the BECOME A RON PAUL DELEGATE sign up box on the top right of the homepage where Ron Paul's face is**** YOU can help change the course of this nation for the better! YOU can be a hero! Ron Paul is STILL Running for President Ron Paul Ron Paul for President Is Ron Paul still running for president Ron Paul 2008 Presidentil Candidate Ron Paul Vote for Ron Paul Ron Paul for President Ron Paul videos Ron Paul Revolution Hillary Clinton is a liar Barack Obama is a liar John McCain is a liar NWO Illumniati New World Order Federal Reserve Free Masons War in Iraq IRS illegal Tax the constitution Income Tax Illegal GOP GOP Ticket supports ron paul restore the republic
Author: pancakechik
Duration: 8:22

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Saturday, March 29, 2008

Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in Iraq

Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in IraqThis video describes how Halliburton is poisoning the troops in Iraq through their water supply. If you are a war vet there is information at the end of the video as to where you can get tested.
Author: reece2076
Duration: 3:42

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Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in Iraq
Video Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in Iraq Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in Iraq Halliburton caught poisoning the troops in Iraq

Iraq War Veteran's Confession's Part 1

Iraq War Veteran's Confession's Part 1Recorded at Winter Soldier March 2008. If this doesn't make you oppose the War you have no heart.
Author: reece2076
Duration: 9:54

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Iraq War Veteran's Confession's Part 1
Video Iraq War Veteran's Confession's Part 1 Iraq War Veteran's Confession's Part 1 Iraq War Veteran's Confession's Part 1

P2 of 6 - Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor on America's Choice

P2 of 6 - Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor on America's ChoiceFor-Part-3: Trinity Church of Christ, Chicago, Il Sermon: Life's Greatest G(If)ts Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor (06-May-2007)
Author: ronptech
Duration: 8:55

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P2 of 6 - Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor on America's Choice
Video P2 of 6 - Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor on America's Choice P2 of 6 - Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor on America's Choice P2 of 6 - Rev. Dr. Gardner C. Taylor on America's Choice