Sunday, October 5, 2008

Morning Joe: Christopher Hitchens on Afghanistan 10/06/08

Morning Joe: Christopher Hitchens on Afghanistan 10/06/08Christopher Hitchens on the American policy in Afghanistan. Pretty interesting...
Author: Derfglouglou
Duration: 9:13

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Morning Joe: Christopher Hitchens on Afghanistan 10/06/08
Video Morning Joe: Christopher Hitchens on Afghanistan 10/06/08 Morning Joe: Christopher Hitchens on Afghanistan 10/06/08 Morning Joe: Christopher Hitchens on Afghanistan 10/06/08

Thursday, October 2, 2008

VP Debate in Song and Dance

VP Debate in Song and DanceBiden and Palin square off with melody. Only you can judge who is the best in the art of freestyle and who has the stronger voice. Michael Gregory, the haloed moderator, DJs. Make sure to watch in high quality--because it's higher. 2012 VP Debate in Song and Dance: Lyrics: [MG] Miss caribou killa, black gold drilla Watcha gonna do, hockey mom, to Pakistan? [Palin] Thats probably the only thing that theyre ever gonna agree on But that it was a central war on terror is in Iraq [MG] Your response? (Oww!) [Biden] Pakistan Thats where they live Thats where they are [MG] Next question: Iraq Are we ever gonna bring our homies back? [Palin] Were getting closer and closer to victory And it would be a travesty If we quit now in Iraq [Biden] We will end this war John McCain was saying the Sunnis and Shias got along with each other John McCain has been dead wrong [MG] Ooooh, blao! [Palin] Drill, baby, drill [MG] Aaaah, oh snap! Everybody, now go straight for the kill Oh! [Palin] F* Obama [MG] You gonna take that? [Biden] F* McCain [MG] Sticks and stones are so much softer than words Now its time for the economy Is main street gonna get a frontal lobotomy? [Palin] Joe six pack, hockey moms across the nation I think we need to band together and say Never again Never will we be exploited and taken advantage a—again By those who are managing our money [Biden] The middle class needs relief Tax relief, they need it now They need help now The focus will change with Barack Obama The <b>...</b>
Author: schmoyoho
Duration: 2:17

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VP Debate in Song and Dance
Video VP Debate in Song and Dance VP Debate in Song and Dance VP Debate in Song and Dance

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Ron Paul: PROTEST THE BAILOUT!!! CALL YOUR SENATORS!!; CNN (10-1-08)"Flood the capitol the Senate!" SENATE IS SCHEDULED TO VOTE!! Take my "CALL 100 SENATORS IN 200 MINUTES!!!" challenge. DO IT IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM!!! Contact CONGRESS OR SENATE: Capitol Hill Switchboard: (202) 224-3121 The official vote tally list is at: YOU MUST CALL ALL REPS, AYES AND NAYS!!! There will be a lot of closed door deal making. Don't let them further devalue the dollar and artificially prop up Wall street by forcing us to Nationalize any more corporate debt (FASCISM)!!! CALL CONGRESS NOW!! IT TAKES ABOUT 1 MINUTE PER CALL!!! GET ON IT!!! Capitol Hill Switchboard (202) 224-3121 JOIN THE EDUCATIONAL REVOLUTION: if you have not already, PLEASE subscribe, rate, and favorite all of my videos. THIS IS NO JOKE THE MESSAGE OF FREEDOM MUST GO VIRAL!!!!
Author: RonPaulvsTyranny
Duration: 4:55

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Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad On McCain

Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad On McCainIn response to Republican attacks, Barack Obama unleashed a series of slightly negative ads that gently point out how McCain could be doing a better job.
Author: TheOnion
Duration: 3:03

Photos for video
Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad On McCain
Video Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad On McCain Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad On McCain Obama Runs Constructive Criticism Ad On McCain

Stevie Wonder Love's In Need of Love Today 2008 TODAY PEACE judep22

Stevie Wonder Love's In Need of Love Today 2008 TODAY PEACE judep22Stevie Wonder - Love's In Need of Love Today TODAY.. PEACE ...judep22 2008 this song has been a favourite since I heard it when I was 16 - and I think this year is the year it is needed more than ever. Vote for Barack Obama and lets get some CHANGE and some PEACE I saw Stevie...
Author: Judep22
Duration: 5:55

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Stevie Wonder Love's In Need of Love Today 2008 TODAY PEACE judep22
Video Stevie Wonder Love's In Need of Love Today 2008 TODAY PEACE judep22 Stevie Wonder Love's In Need of Love Today 2008 TODAY PEACE judep22 Stevie Wonder Love's In Need of Love Today 2008 TODAY PEACE judep22

Sunday, September 28, 2008

1968 DNC: Democratic nightmare in Chicago

1968 DNC: Democratic nightmare in ChicagoChaos before Hubert Humphrey's nomination sets the modern standard for a harmful convention.
Author: DemocraticMediaMKII
Duration: 1:15

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1968 DNC: Democratic nightmare in Chicago
Video 1968 DNC: Democratic nightmare in Chicago 1968 DNC: Democratic nightmare in Chicago 1968 DNC: Democratic nightmare in Chicago

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Newt: PALIN NOT READY!! Shocker!! Caught On VIDEO! GeorgeW: "This Was Avoidable" !!!

Newt: PALIN NOT READY!! Shocker!! Caught On VIDEO! GeorgeW: "This Was Avoidable" !!!Newt Gingrich and George Will agree on Sarah Palin - she's A BIG GAMBLE... and John McCain is known for his gambling problem - he is known for his persistent gambling. The problem here is was the gamble necessary. The other problem is that John McCain is gambling with YOUR future, your KIDS future and the future of our great country. Do you REALLY want a gambler at the helm? George Will, Mr. Conservative Republican himself, say Sarah Palin as choice for VP by McCain was an AVOIDABLE GAMBLE. Do you want your next president to be taking AVOIDABLE gambles??? Not to mention gambling at all!!!! Do gamblers win? Or does the 'house' win? Look at your house - now look at the casino. Who is REALLY winning here?! Gambling with Our America is NOT an option - we need John McCain and Sarah Palin NO MORE than we need another game of poker played over ownership of our White House. No more. Eight years of this madness is enough!!! Notes on Video: Will: (to Newt) What was YOUR response to the Katie Couric Interview? Newt: They shouldn't have scheduled it. Group: (laughter) Newt: You don't put 'em in the 'enemy camp' on a national television show as part of 'the training'. Alt: Let me just say I don't consider that Katie Couric and the press - "the enemy camp", and articularly Katie Couric, I don't really consider that the enemy... Q: WHEN is she ready for Prime Time? Newt: I think she'll... think she'll gradually be ready for Prime Time... Alt: ...there are only FIVE WEEKS left in the <b>...</b>
Author: tomm2thumbs
Duration: 1:32

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Newt: PALIN NOT READY!! Shocker!! Caught On VIDEO! GeorgeW: "This Was Avoidable" !!!
Video Newt: PALIN NOT READY!! Shocker!! Caught On VIDEO! GeorgeW: "This Was Avoidable" !!! Newt: PALIN NOT READY!! Shocker!! Caught On VIDEO! GeorgeW: "This Was Avoidable" !!! Newt: PALIN NOT READY!! Shocker!! Caught On VIDEO! GeorgeW: "This Was Avoidable" !!!