Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Response to Presidential Address on Libya

Response to Presidential Address on LibyaRTR.org | http | In this edition Gary Franchi takes Obama and Biden to the woodshed and exposes their hypocrisy to the world in a scalding rant regarding the unprovoked war against Libya. We also sit down with Heather Lewis to get the inside story on the verdict in the Liberty Dollar Trial. We present Ron Paul's recent statements on the unconstitutional no-fly zone over Libya and Jason Bermas is back with this week's Punk Rock Politics segment. We reserve a special place for a new Enemy of the State, dip into the mailbag and present last week's poll results. Angie Ress breaks down the latest headlines including a story on a grassroots effort to draft Jesse Ventura to run for president at DraftVentura.com and a new Ron Paul Video contest where you can win big with your creativity.Join the discussion at our RTR Group ; Become a Fan at our Facebook Page:facebook.com
Author: lonelantern
Duration: 34:57

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Response to Presidential Address on Libya
Video Response to Presidential Address on Libya Response to Presidential Address on Libya Response to Presidential Address on Libya

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutional

Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutionalFollow latest updates at twitter.com and www.facebook.com Amid the ongoing coalitional bombardment of Libya it turns out President Obama may have had no constitutional authority for ordering US military involvement. US Rep. from Ohio Dennis Kucinixh says the use of US armed forces is unconstitutional, explaining Obama had no authority to commit US resources without congressional approval. The US now finds itself involved into another war in addition to Pakistan, Iraq and Afghanistan. 'Bombing villages in order to save villages' -- that didn't work in Vietnam, Kucinich explained. In fact, he argued this time around the Libyan intervention could end up strengthening US enemies.
Author: RussiaToday
Duration: 8:30

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Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutional
Video Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutional Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutional Kucinich: War is a swamp, Obama Libya action unconstitutional

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Каддафи про Обаму и Саркози - животные

Каддафи про Обаму и Саркози - животные"Вас ждет судьба Гитлера и Муссолини", - сказал Каддафи о президентах США и Франции и премьер-министре Великобритании. "Вы - агрессоры, вы - животные", - цитирует выступление Каддафи агентство Agence France-Presse.
Author: emmalockify
Duration: 0:35

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Каддафи про Обаму и Саркози - животные
Video Каддафи про Обаму и Саркози - животные Каддафи про Обаму и Саркози - животные Каддафи про Обаму и Саркози - животные

Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya

Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over LibyaInternational military operation has begun in Libya, as a result of a UN Security Council Resolution authorizing a no fly zone, and other necessary measures. Some lawmakers are questioning how Obama could make this decision, without approval. Congressman Dennis Kucinich says Obama's unconstitutional move would appear on its face to be an impeachable offense. He explains why he thinks the Constitution has been violated.
Author: TheAlyonaShow
Duration: 8:33

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Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya
Video Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya Rep. Kucinich: Obama Could be Impeached Over Libya

CNN hosts shocked when Republican guest picks Ron Paul

CNN hosts shocked when Republican guest picks Ron PaulRon Paul 2012, This video shows the point of a view of Democrat vs. Republican. The host of the show isn't very forgiving to people who don't know what they believe. It just goes to show you how unaware the people of the US are when it comes to politics. The most realistic depiction...
Author: John Smith
Duration: 4:36

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CNN hosts shocked when Republican guest picks Ron Paul
Video CNN hosts shocked when Republican guest picks Ron Paul CNN hosts shocked when Republican guest picks Ron Paul CNN hosts shocked when Republican guest picks Ron Paul

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Obama Ignored Anti-Gaddafi Forces Slaughtering of Blacks in Libya..

Obama Ignored Anti-Gaddafi Forces Slaughtering of Blacks in Libya..How come they did not move this fast for Sudan?6MILLION DIE IN CONGO..3 MILLION IN RWANDA..OMAR BASHIR MASSACERD 9SUDANIS BLACKS THEY HAVE BEEN PROOF TO US BLACK MAN IS NOT HUMAN. Why Has Obama Ignored Anti-Gaddafi Forces Slaughtering of Blacks in Libya. His desire is to retain power and he's trying to do anything to be re-elected. There's nothing else to try to understand. We will actively assure he isn't re-elected. T.West
Author: conelle006
Duration: 10:18

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Obama Ignored Anti-Gaddafi Forces Slaughtering of Blacks in Libya..
Video Obama Ignored Anti-Gaddafi Forces Slaughtering of Blacks in Libya.. Obama Ignored Anti-Gaddafi Forces Slaughtering of Blacks in Libya.. Obama Ignored Anti-Gaddafi Forces Slaughtering of Blacks in Libya..

Friday, March 18, 2011

Barry Soetoro Declares War On Libya Without Congressional Approval

Barry Soetoro Declares War On Libya Without Congressional ApprovalDennis Kucinich On Barack Obama Libya Action: It's Not Up To The President, It's Up To Congress. Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law. Obama's handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force. International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government. Obama plans to loot the middle class, destroy pensions and federalize the states so that the population is completely dependent on the Central Government. The Elite are using Obama to pacify the public so they can usher in the North American Union by stealth, launch a new Cold War and continue the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. Naming Names: Your Real Government: www.infowars.com Follow ADG on Twitter: twitter.com FAIR USE NOTICE: These Videos may contain copyrighted (© ) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as <b>...</b>
Author: AlienDisclosureGroup
Duration: 5:37

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Barry Soetoro Declares War On Libya Without Congressional Approval
Video Barry Soetoro Declares War On Libya Without Congressional Approval Barry Soetoro Declares War On Libya Without Congressional Approval Barry Soetoro Declares War On Libya Without Congressional Approval