Dr. Paul Craig Roberts www.infowars.com July 27, 2011 In my last column I suggested that an unintended outcome of the debt ceiling impasse could be Congress' loss of the power of the purse. In this column I suggest an intended outcome that the ongoing political theater might be designed to produce. President Obama has said that he will not resort to the various powers open to him to keep the government running should Congress fail to deliver a debt ceiling increase. This is a suspicious statement, as it is not credible that a president would leave troops at war unpaid and without supplies, Social Security checks unsent and stand aside while the US dollar collapses and the credit rating of the US government is destroyed. There are national security directives and executive orders already on the books, as well as the 14th Amendment, that Obama can invoke to set aside the debt ceiling. Congress would sigh with relief that Obama had prevented the lawmakers from destroying the country. So what might be going on? One possibility is that the political theater is operating to bring about otherwise politically impossible cuts in the social safety net. If the drama continues to the absolute deadline without a deal, Obama, who perhaps favors cutting the safety net as much as do the Republicans, would have to accept the Republican package in order that the troops are not cut off from supplies, Social Security checks can continue to go out, and the dollar be saved. Having opposed the <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 9:31
Photos for video Paul Craig Roberts: The Political Theater and The Debt Ceiling Crisis 2/2
Dr. Paul Craig Roberts www.infowars.com July 27, 2011 In my last column I suggested that an unintended outcome of the debt ceiling impasse could be Congress' loss of the power of the purse. In this column I suggest an intended outcome that the ongoing political theater might be designed to produce. President Obama has said that he will not resort to the various powers open to him to keep the government running should Congress fail to deliver a debt ceiling increase. This is a suspicious statement, as it is not credible that a president would leave troops at war unpaid and without supplies, Social Security checks unsent and stand aside while the US dollar collapses and the credit rating of the US government is destroyed. There are national security directives and executive orders already on the books, as well as the 14th Amendment, that Obama can invoke to set aside the debt ceiling. Congress would sigh with relief that Obama had prevented the lawmakers from destroying the country. So what might be going on? One possibility is that the political theater is operating to bring about otherwise politically impossible cuts in the social safety net. If the drama continues to the absolute deadline without a deal, Obama, who perhaps favors cutting the safety net as much as do the Republicans, would have to accept the Republican package in order that the troops are not cut off from supplies, Social Security checks can continue to go out, and the dollar be saved. Having opposed the <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 14:32
Photos for video Paul Craig Roberts: The Political Theater and The Debt Ceiling Crisis 1/2
Please share, like/link and comment. www.scoop.it To all who see this video, link it to the debate pages and other sites so we have some debate on this topic. knowledge is the only way people learn and are willing to and engage on the subject. Knowledge is the way to the Revolution! Vote Ron Paul Please also take a look at the ZEITGEIST 2: ADDENDUM www.youtube.com Hope young people, who usually do not vote, will join GOP Author: kenneth johnsen Duration: 26:31
Photos for video Ron Paul - This is the harsh reality of war, and this is why Obama lies (2012 MUST SEE)
www.jimpressions.net See Jim in JIMPRESSIONS at The Acting Center, Hollywood, February 2 at 8 pm For tickets and info www.theactingcenterla.com FOR DVD of entire live JIMPRESSIONS show: appliedsilliness.com Here, Jim Meskimen performs Clarence's speech from William Shakespeare's Richard III as a number of different celebrities, from George Clooney to Droopy Dog. www.jimpressions.net Author: jimmeskimen Duration: 3:46
Photos for video Impressionist Jim Meskimen Does Shakespeare in Celebrity Voices
No One But Paul -- Money Bomb, 2/14/2012 -- Spread the word! Ron Paul is the only one who can beat Obama because he pulls the most support from Democrats and Independents out of all other GOP members. He also has by far the most support from our men and women in the military. The Democratic presidential primary will be uncontested. If you are anti-war and pro-freedom, vote in your states Republican primary for Ron Paul. Check local rules to see if you need to change affiliation in advance. Even if you don't agree with Ron Paul 100%, would you prefer one of the Neo-Con's getting the Republican nomination? Become a Blue Republican for the primaries, support Freedom, and vote Ron Paul. Author: Matthew Zak Duration: 6:25
Photos for video No One But Paul -- Can Beat Obama
US Leaders Hiding What They Know about BHO! - By Bob Unruh WND... www.wnd.com LISTEN ON RADIO AMERICA! Joseph Farah interviews Susan McDaniels Click on the GMAN link when you arrive live.radioamerica.org A REPOSITORY of WND articles on OBAMA's SSN INVESTIGATION www.wnd.com Author: ppsimmons Duration: 9:43
Photos for video BREAKING! Obama Conn. Social Security Number Investigator says American Leaders HIDING Info!