Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Issa Grills Obama Homeland Security's Napolitano on Fast and Furious

Issa Grills Obama Homeland Security's Napolitano on Fast and Furious#FastAndFurious: Learn More at oversight.house.gov Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) presses Obama Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano on her agency's involvement - and her role in - Operation Fast and Furious. 10-26-11 Oversight Productions
Author: oversightandreform
Duration: 8:07

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Issa Grills Obama Homeland Security's Napolitano on Fast and Furious
Video Issa Grills Obama Homeland Security's Napolitano on Fast and Furious Issa Grills Obama Homeland Security's Napolitano on Fast and Furious Issa Grills Obama Homeland Security's Napolitano on Fast and Furious

Monday, October 24, 2011

MSM Fails on Obama Iraq Troop Withdrawal

MSM Fails on Obama Iraq Troop WithdrawalPresident Obama announced that US troops will begin withdrawing from Iraq by the end of 2011. The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur compares the mainstream media reporting on the topic versus the reality. The Young Turks on Current TV: current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Support TYT for FREE: bit.ly
Author: TheYoungTurks
Duration: 6:16

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MSM Fails on Obama Iraq Troop Withdrawal
Video MSM Fails on Obama Iraq Troop Withdrawal MSM Fails on Obama Iraq Troop Withdrawal MSM Fails on Obama Iraq Troop Withdrawal

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ron Paul schools Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve with his Economic Skills. Cain is an Idiot.

Ron Paul schools Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve with his Economic Skills. Cain is an Idiot.Ron Paul getting some acknowledgement over his economic skills and him predicting the finanical crisis and the housing market collapse. Ron Paul 2012 Google Ron Paul Tell Your Friends and Family to Google Ron Paul.
Author: Jason Botzong
Duration: 4:13

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Ron Paul schools Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve with his Economic Skills. Cain is an Idiot.
Video Ron Paul schools Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve with his Economic Skills. Cain is an Idiot. Ron Paul schools Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve with his Economic Skills. Cain is an Idiot. Ron Paul schools Herman Cain and the Federal Reserve with his Economic Skills. Cain is an Idiot.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Wall Street Thieves

Wall Street ThievesSource (Farrakhan Press Conference on Libya, Pres. Obama and Col. Gadhafi): www.youtube.com Farrakhan Cautions Against Drums Of War On Libya; Regime Change Funding, US Hypocrisy: www.youtube.com Minister Louis Farrakhan talking about the motives and actions of the United States Government in war on Afghanistan: www.youtube.com Minister Louis Farrakhan Speaking On The International Bankers and Corruption: www.youtube.com Farrakhan Speaks: The Fall of The Dollar (The Debt of America): www.youtube.com PS Shirley Chisholm - Outlook For America's Future: www.youtube.com
Author: mebadgett
Duration: 5:57

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Wall Street Thieves
Video Wall Street Thieves Wall Street Thieves Wall Street Thieves

The illuminati Exposed: The Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed / Don't believe the media

The illuminati Exposed: The Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed / Don't believe the mediaDon't believe the media This is the Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed & Why the US heavily involved In Libya and Iraq? Gaddafi wanted gold for his oil instead of dollars Saddam wanted to change buying oil to euros they wanted to do this so the dollars because Euros and Gold is worth more than dollars but it would make the US dollar weak so they had to take action and make believe to the media that they are protecting the people when its really they are protecting the US
Author: musikkid09
Duration: 3:32

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The illuminati Exposed: The Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed / Don't believe the media
Video The illuminati Exposed: The Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed / Don't believe the media The illuminati Exposed: The Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed / Don't believe the media The illuminati Exposed: The Real Reason Why Gaddafi and Saddam were Killed / Don't believe the media

Russia warns US about attacking Iran

Russia warns US about attacking IranI believe the reason why Obama is pulling our troops out of Iraq by the end of this year is so they will be ready for war with Iran. Just recently there was a supposed plot for the assassination of the Saudi Arabian Ambassador, and the Israeli Ambassador in Washington DC by the Iranians. Obama stated that he is thinking about tougher sanctions, and even considering, sending in Drones to bomb their leaders. This is serious, and must not be taken lightly. Now Russia knowing their Borders are close with Iran, are seriously considering the consequences of these actions! This could possibly spark WWIII!
Author: enki35
Duration: 1:26

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Russia warns US about attacking Iran
Video Russia warns US about attacking Iran Russia warns US about attacking Iran Russia warns US about attacking Iran

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blue Republican - How to Register Republican for Ron Paul (update Oct 21)

Blue Republican - How to Register Republican for Ron Paul (update Oct 21)Blue Republicans are people who have never before thought of joining the Republican party, but are going to do so for one year to ensure that Ron Paul wins the Republican nomination for President in 2012. Many of us previously identified as Democrats or Independents and/or supported Obama in 2008. We believe that on issues that matter most -- war vs. peace (Iraq, Yemen etc.), civil liberties (Patriot Act etc.), and crony corporatism (bailouts etc.) -- Obama has pursued a course similar to that of George Bush. States are changing their systems all the time so ALWAYS CHECK YOUR OWN STATE INFORMATION to make sure you do what you need to do to make Ron Paul the Republican nominee for President
Author: Robin Koerner
Duration: 4:55

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Blue Republican - How to Register Republican for Ron Paul (update Oct 21)
Video Blue Republican - How to Register Republican for Ron Paul (update Oct 21) Blue Republican - How to Register Republican for Ron Paul (update Oct 21) Blue Republican - How to Register Republican for Ron Paul (update Oct 21)