Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ron Paul Is Secretly Winning...

Ron Paul Is Secretly Winning...Check out my latest video: Ron Paul is succeeding with his secret plan to gather all his delegates from the caucus states. Because Ron Paul's campaign & supporters are the only ones smart enough to become actual delegates, this will help Ron Paul win the nomination. Also, Mitt Romney gave a speech at CPAC pretending to be a conservative. Register to vote: Find the date of your state's primary/caucus: Become a volunteer: Click on the "Volunteer" tab. Make phone calls: (Note: 90% of the time they won't answer, but it's when they do that makes a HUGE difference in a low-turnout race) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rachel Maddow on Ron Paul's strategy: CNN Dana Bash worried about Ron Paul: Full Mitt Romney CPAC speech: Ron Paul—War Propaganda:
Author: GoldBugShow
Duration: 9:06

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Ron Paul Is Secretly Winning...
Video Ron Paul Is Secretly Winning... Ron Paul Is Secretly Winning... Ron Paul Is Secretly Winning...

Ron Paul speech after Maine Caucus results CNN 2/11/12

Ron Paul speech after Maine Caucus results CNN 2/11/12Ron Paul speech after Maine Caucus results CNN 2/11/12
Author: LibertySource
Duration: 12:16

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Ron Paul speech after Maine Caucus results CNN 2/11/12
Video Ron Paul speech after Maine Caucus results CNN 2/11/12 Ron Paul speech after Maine Caucus results CNN 2/11/12 Ron Paul speech after Maine Caucus results CNN 2/11/12

Friday, February 10, 2012

От неандертальца к homo sapiens: загадки эволюции мозга

От неандертальца к homo sapiens: загадки эволюции мозгаПалеогенетика изменила сегодняшние теории происхождения человека, а изучение геномов нас самих и наших предков позволило ответить на некоторые вопросы, касающиеся его эволюции. Чем отличается мозг современного человека от мозга неандертальца и человека из Денисовой пещеры? Как изменились функции мозга? Продолжает ли он эволюционировать?
Author: MadeinGeorgian
Duration: 26:06

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От неандертальца к homo sapiens: загадки эволюции мозга
Video От неандертальца к homo sapiens: загадки эволюции мозга От неандертальца к homo sapiens: загадки эволюции мозга От неандертальца к homo sapiens: загадки эволюции мозга

Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 2/4

Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 2/4Harvard University Fellow Boyle discusses the preparations for war and the fallout of a possible attack on Iran and Syria.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 15:20

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Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 2/4
Video Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 2/4 Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 2/4 Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 2/4

Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 1/4

Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 1/4Harvard University Fellow Boyle discusses the preparations for war and the fallout of a possible attack on Iran and Syria.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 15:03

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Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 1/4
Video Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 1/4 Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 1/4 Entering into The Age of Darkness with Dr. Francis Boyle 1/4

Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12

Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12
Author: LibertySource
Duration: 12:08

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Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12
Video Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12 Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12 Doug Wead on The Rachel Maddow Show MSNBC 2/10/12

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Израиль нападет на Иран весной

Израиль нападет на Иран веснойВоенная операция готовится полным ходом
Author: TechNewsRBC
Duration: 2:55

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Израиль нападет на Иран весной
Video Израиль нападет на Иран весной Израиль нападет на Иран весной Израиль нападет на Иран весной