Sunday, January 1, 2012

War made easy (Doku) Wenn Amerikas Pr

War made easy (Doku) Wenn Amerikas PrWar made easy (Doku) Wenn Amerikas Pr
Author: vatomato1
Duration: 43:30

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War made easy (Doku) Wenn Amerikas Pr
Video War made easy (Doku) Wenn Amerikas Pr War made easy (Doku) Wenn Amerikas Pr War made easy (Doku) Wenn Amerikas Pr

Alex Takes Calls on Your Outlook for 2012 3/3

Alex Takes Calls on Your Outlook for 2012 3/3On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 14:58

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Alex Takes Calls on Your Outlook for 2012 3/3
Video Alex Takes Calls on Your Outlook for 2012 3/3 Alex Takes Calls on Your Outlook for 2012 3/3 Alex Takes Calls on Your Outlook for 2012 3/3

Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3

Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 12:37

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Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3
Video Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3 Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3 Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 3/3

Preview of Today's Show: Obama's NDAA Signing Statement, Collapse of Society & More

Preview of Today's Show: Obama's NDAA Signing Statement, Collapse of Society & MoreOn this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 5:39

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Preview of Today's Show: Obama's NDAA Signing Statement, Collapse of Society & More
Video Preview of Today's Show: Obama's NDAA Signing Statement, Collapse of Society & More Preview of Today's Show: Obama's NDAA Signing Statement, Collapse of Society & More Preview of Today's Show: Obama's NDAA Signing Statement, Collapse of Society & More

Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3

Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3On this first live show of 2012, Alex takes a large number of your calls and talks about the latest news, including the Iowa caucus tomorrow and Ron Paul's chances as the Republican establishment plots against him and pushes the script-reading warmongers Mitt Romney and the recently come-from-behind candidate Rick Santorum, who has proposed air strikes on Iran. Alex also talks about the concerted effort by the corporate media to fiddle with poll results in order to downplay Ron Paul's obvious lead in the eleventh hour before the caucus. Alex takes a look at the police state NDAA legislation signed into law by Obama, who promises he will not send the military to arrest American citizens and strip them of their rights under the Fourth Amendment.
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 11:44

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Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3
Video Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3 Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3 Outlook for 2012: Total Collapse of Society and The End of Internet Freedom 1/3

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Оливье шоу 2012, мульт личности Обама и Хиллари Клинтон

Оливье шоу 2012, мульт личности Обама и Хиллари КлинтонБарак Обама и Хиллари Клинтон в Мульт Личности (Оливье-шоу 2012) "Достанем автоматы, ведь мы же демократы"
Author: TrashMajor
Duration: 2:13

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Оливье шоу 2012, мульт личности Обама и Хиллари Клинтон
Video Оливье шоу 2012, мульт личности Обама и Хиллари Клинтон Оливье шоу 2012, мульт личности Обама и Хиллари Клинтон Оливье шоу 2012, мульт личности Обама и Хиллари Клинтон

Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law

Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now LawPresident Obama who pledged to veto the National Defense Authorization Act has signed it. Of course his promise was only for public consumption. After all lying to your enemy is what invading corporate takeover army's do. It was the Obama administration all along that demanded the indefinite detention provisions be added while at the same time telling the America people he was fighting to protect their rights. This is treason on parade,in your face all out despotism! (AP Story) Obama signs defense bill despite 'reservations' HONOLULU (AP) -- President Barack Obama signed a wide-ranging defense bill into law Saturday despite having "serious reservations" about provisions that regulate the detention, interrogation and prosecution of suspected terrorists. modified bill
Author: TheAlexJonesChannel
Duration: 8:04

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Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law
Video Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law Obama Signs Martial Law Bill: NDAA Now Law