Thursday, May 22, 2008

Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul

Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron PaulBilderberg/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul because he is educating young people. Skip to 1:40 to hear the discussion.
Author: bmw69lover
Duration: 10:36

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Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul
Video Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul Bilderberg Group/Trilateral commission upset about Ron Paul

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News

Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox NewsRon Paul is the only candidate that has a 100% voting record against excess federal spending, against war, and protecting civil liberties. Repost this video to your account and help the United States become respected once again.
Author: Joe Bluhm
Duration: 2:10

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Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News
Video Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News Ron Paul debate question BANNED from Fox News

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ne-Yo Talks about Not Having a Father!

Ne-Yo Talks about Not Having a Father!Enjoy this exclusive sit down interview with Ne-Yo and his mother Lorraine. They speak of his new foundation and their relationship when Ne-Yo was younger.
Author: MichaelMelendy
Duration: 10:21

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Ne-Yo Talks about Not Having a Father!
Video Ne-Yo Talks about Not Having a Father! Ne-Yo Talks about Not Having a Father! Ne-Yo Talks about Not Having a Father!

Monday, May 5, 2008

The Big Brother Matrix of Reality

The Big Brother Matrix of RealityIs our reality controlled by free humanity or by a powerful elite? Was The Matrix trying to tell us something? You decide. If you enjoy the video, check out my channel for more.
Author: aenfroy87
Duration: 6:52

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The Big Brother Matrix of Reality
Video The Big Brother Matrix of Reality The Big Brother Matrix of Reality The Big Brother Matrix of Reality

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Anti-Democrat Humor

Anti-Democrat HumorTake a break from serious politics and enjoy! Don't bother reading the following unless you have watched the ENTIRE video. Match the number of the joke/picture in the video with the number here for explanations. 1. "If they're on an island, how do they speak English?" Its a joke. 2.Pigs are more civilized than Democrats. 3. Democrats are always saying how they really are good people deep down - although they never show it. 4. Self explanatory. 5. Democrats are always making stupid comments, and the media jumps on them. 6. MOST (not all) Democrats are dirt bags. 7. They both take money, Democrats waste it on pointless Government projects. 8. Self explanatory. 9. Self explanatory. 10. Self explanatory. 11. Al Gore is STUPID. If global warming is happening, then I'm paying $0.50 for gas per gallon. 12. Democrats raise taxes for wasteful projects. 13. Democrats whine about EVERYTHING. 14. Yes, I'm well aware that big-foot was fake, but still, it seems more real than a smart democrat by FAR. 15. Bill Clinton + Hillary Clinton = Chelsea. They're both bad lawyers and both bad politicians. 16. Self explanatory. 17. Self explanatory. 18. Self explanatory. 19. A comic by Rob Rodgers 20. Look at the facts, most people w/o jobs tend to vote democrat. 60% of crimes are committed by high school drop outs. Most people without jobs are high school drop outs. 21. Self explanatory. 22. Self explanatory (if you lived through the 90's) 23. Democrats (especially Hillary and Barack) NEVER stop <b>...</b>
Author: FunPolitics
Duration: 9:03

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Anti-Democrat Humor
Video Anti-Democrat Humor Anti-Democrat Humor Anti-Democrat Humor

Friday, April 25, 2008

Should Obama Go On FOX? (Dan Abrams, MSNBC, and DJK!)

Should Obama Go On FOX? (Dan Abrams, MSNBC, and DJK!) April 25, 2008 Yes, that's right — that's really me, DJK (aka Jonathan Kim) on MSNBC's Verdict with Dan Abrams! It's my first television appearance, and I have to tell you that it was a very strange experience. But more on that later. The topic of discussion was whether it was a good idea for Barack Obama to give in to Chris Wallace's Obama clock and appear on FOX News Sunday on April 27. As you can see, I think I was probably the most adamant about the fact that Obama really has little to gain from "addressing the FOX audience" since FOX will dissect every possible aspect of the interview to extract every possible microgram of negativity conceivable. And FOX is perfectly willing to lie to do it. And Abrams pointed out, Obama is legitimizing FOX as a news source, which is exactly what allowed FOX to gain the influence it has — by maintaining the appearance of a news network when they are really a republican propaganda machine. The best way for Obama to turn his bad decision into a positive is if he goes after FOX and shows democrats and the world that he is, in fact, "in touch" with what democrats and most of the world knows — that FOX is a republican propaganda machine. He'll earn more respect of his base and show that he understands the role that FOX plays in legitimizing republican talking points. He'll show that he knows how the system works. And if there's any fear that he might lose votes by alienating FOX voters, remember this — in the 2004 election <b>...</b>
Author: bravenewfilms
Duration: 8:10

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Should Obama Go On FOX? (Dan Abrams, MSNBC, and DJK!)
Video Should Obama Go On FOX? (Dan Abrams, MSNBC, and DJK!) Should Obama Go On FOX? (Dan Abrams, MSNBC, and DJK!) Should Obama Go On FOX? (Dan Abrams, MSNBC, and DJK!)

CAUGHT: Pentagon-scripted TV News Interviews

CAUGHT: Pentagon-scripted TV News InterviewsThe New York Times has exposed a secret Pentagon campaign to infiltrate the media with pro-war propaganda. The scheme reaches all the way to the Bush White House, where top officials recruited dozens of "military analysts" to spread favorable views of the war via the news. Many of these propaganda pundits didn't reveal that they were working from Pentagon scripts or lobbying for companies seeking to cash in on major military contracts. Matt Thompson of Free, a group that advocates for media reform reports this is a violation of every conceivable standard of journalism — and possibly of federal law.
Author: Veracifier
Duration: 4:13

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CAUGHT: Pentagon-scripted TV News Interviews
Video CAUGHT: Pentagon-scripted TV News Interviews CAUGHT: Pentagon-scripted TV News Interviews CAUGHT: Pentagon-scripted TV News Interviews