The most anticipated Alien threat, ufo false flag operation in the history, is coming to you soon. Please get deprogrammed if you still believe that this threat is real. http Author: chemlin Duration: 7:24
Disclosure as of 2011 is nearing. Public announcement is bound to occur, various countries such as Brazil, Norway, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, UK and others have officially declassified UFO files. Will the US Administration & President Obama finally lead the way in disclosing to the World the truth about ETs/UFOs? Featuring music from the Batman Begins & Dark Knight soundtrack, created by Hans Zimmer & James Newton Howard. Both quotes at the start and end of the video are by SaLuSa, of the Galactic Federation. "Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent" April UFO Conference - Part one ("X conference") Disclosure Project; Full 55min 2001 Press Meeting Disclosure Project. Dr. Carol Rosin's Testimony Vrillon's full message - Ashtar Command's 1977 Live Broadcast: Author: ETDisclosure Duration: 3:46
Photos for video ET/UFO Disclosure | President Barack Obama "First Contact"
Diane Ravitch on Arne Duncan, 1% Obama charter public education school reform teacher bashing no child left behind race to the top. She did not say the SEGREGATION word but spoke of a two tier education system when charter schools exclude low performing kids poor kids and needy kids with disabilities. Billionaires blame teachers for the poverty billionaires tax code created: "its (billionaires #edrform teachers evaluation blame game) a red herring, a diversion, to get our eyes away from the poverty n racial isolation in which so many of our childrens' live... absolves the conscience of the billionaires boys club..." United Teachers of Los Angeles UTLA CA 9-24-2010 Author: MrGidgid4u Duration: 14:35
Photos for video Ravitch on Obama charter school accountability Race To The Top 1% public education reform vs
Champain Era is a up and coming Artist/Philanthropist/Actor who stared in Vh1's Lets Talk About Pep. Champain Is Laughing at Jay Pharoah a stand up Comedian who has just joined NBC's Saturday Night Live as he Impersonates( Barack Obama, Jay z, 50 Cent, Cassidy and Kat Williams)...CHEERS!!! Author: Champain Era Duration: 2:01
Photos for video Jay Pharoah - " Obama/ Jay z/ 50 cent/ Cassidy/ Kat Williams "
программа народ против(эхо москвы) запись 17.02.2010 . продолжение Леонид Ивашов отвечает на вопросы, связанные с бессрочным предложением Барака Обамы уничтожить все ядерное оружие. Хорошо это для России или плохо? Ивашов Леонид Григорьевич- российский военный и общественный деятель. Генерал-полковник (в запасе с 2001), Президент Академии геополитических проблем, бывший начальник Главного управления международного военного сотрудничества Министерства обороны России (1996—2001). Author: garryk00 Duration: 11:56
Photos for video 3 Мировая Война, будет ли готова Россия? эхо москвы. ч1
Is every year at the UN General Assembly Ground Hog Day? Who won the PR battle - Obama or Ahmadinejad? And why was Georgian President Saakashvili meeting Donald Trump, while others were trying to make the world better? All the uncovered details of the week at the United Nations in a live report from New York by RT America correspondent Anastasia Churkina. Author: RTAmerica Duration: 5:18
Photos for video Obama loses PR match to Ahmadinejad
New TYT Network channels: New TYT Facebook Page(!): Subscribe to the FREE Video Podcast on iTunes: Follow us on Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two links are for TYT sponsors. Read Ana's blog and subscribe at: TYT Network (new WTF?! channel): Check Out TYT Interviews Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 4:52
Photos for video Generals To Obama: No Exit Strategy For War
President Obama made a surprise call yesterday to Gail O'Brien, a woman in Keene, NH, who is benefiting from the Affordable Care Act, which was passed six months ago today. Gail was previously uninsured and diagnosed with high grade non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Thanks to the new law, Gail now has insurance through the new Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan that will pay for her treatments, and she is responding very well. Author: UpTakeVideo Duration: 4:21
Photos for video President Obama Makes Surprise Call To Gail O'Brien
On the 9th anniversary of 9/11, the fault lines between the US and the Muslim world seem to have expanded. As America's internal cultural wars begin to affect its foreign policy, what are the options for President Obama? Which is the real US: The one that fights for Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan, or the one that considers US Muslims as the enemy within? And have Osama bin Laden's hopes of driving a wedge between the US and the Muslim world become a reality? Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 46:58