Drones strikes have become taboo among US leaders; allegedly for security reasons. Still Pakistan and the US have an agreement to continue drones strikes that are aimed at killing the Taliban, but at the same time have killed innocent Pakistanis. For the first time Obama has admitted drones not only kill the enemy, but innocent people. Michael Maloof, former Pentagon official, gives us his thoughts on the matter. Like us and/or follow us: twitter.com www.facebook.com Author: RTAmerica Duration: 6:01
Photos for video Obama admits drone strikes kill innocent Pakistanis
President Barack Obama was not asked a question about marijuana legalization at his YouTube Q & A ('Your Interview With the President') despise the fact that it was voted most popular. According to Raw Story, "Another marijuana legalization question, submitted by NORML, was flagged as "inappropriate" and removed from YouTube...".* Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur break it down on The Young Turks. *www.rawstory.com Subscribe to The Young Turks: bit.ly Find out how to watch The Young Turks on Current by clicking here: www.current.com The Largest Online New Show in the World. Google+: www.gplus.to Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: twitter.com Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 5:27
Photos for video Obama Marijuana Legalization ?'s Ignored at YouTube Q & A
Подключу партнерскую программу YouTube, подробности на моей стене (самая первая запись): vk.com Самое смешное видео: vk.com АНЕКДОТЫ вконтакте: vkontakte.ru Наш канал на YouTube: www.youtube.com Author: Andrey1980arti Duration: 0:24
Photos for video Смешное видео - Скажи ррррррррррррр :D
Alex also talks with Francis Boyle, a professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law, about the NDAA and the impending war to be waged against Iran. www.law.illinois.edu www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:03
Photos for video Under NDAA, Obama Can Release Death Sqauds on Americans 1/3
Alex also talks about Obama's State of the Union address, military exercises underway in Los Angeles, and the rolling Ron Paul revolution as the establishment pushes the chicken hawk warmonger Newt Gingrich for the GOP presidential nomination. Alex also takes your calls. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:25
Photos for video Were Run by Ruthless, Freedom Hating, Dangerous Scum! 1/3
(telecast date 26th January, 2012) In this vicious episode : Laugh while you learn about the insane, idiotic and moronic vicious cycles of the world. Then find out : Why are people insuring their bottoms plus why Sumeet Raghvan loves porn for its educational qualities. Next up : Leaking Breast Scandal in UK plus Russell Brand / Katy Perry split & why Australians are turning into the Chinese! Finally, The BLTN Weather Report this time is presented by a Political All Star team this time. The weather has never been funnier. Enjoy now & follow us on twitter twitter.com 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 1: Idiot Cycle BLTN - Episode 9 : Segment 1 - Laugh while you learn about the insane, idiotic and moronic vicious cycles of the world. Keep laughing & follow us on twitter twitter.com for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 2 : Bottom Insurance BLTN - Episode 9 : Segment 2 - Why are people insuring their bottoms plus why Sumeet Raghvan loves porn for its educational qualities. ROFL and then follow us on twitter twitter.com for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 3 : Breast Scandal BLTN - Episode 9 : Segment 3 - Leaking Breast Scandal in UK plus Russell Brand / Katy Perry split & why Australians are turning into the Chinese! For more sexy, crazy humor - follow us on twitter twitter.com for 24 hrs Live reaction to News around the world. Non - Stop Humor Segment 4 : All <b>...</b> Author: jayhindtv Duration: 27:55
Photos for video Vicious Cycles : Episode 9 - Better Late Than Never - Late Night Comedy BLTN
On the Tuesday, January 24th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, author and Middle East expert Chris Hedges about his lawsuit challenging the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Obama signed at the end of 2011. Hedges is the author of The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress, Collateral Damage, American Fascists and other titles. www.truthdig.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:20
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On the Tuesday, January 24th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, author and Middle East expert Chris Hedges about his lawsuit challenging the legality of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which Obama signed at the end of 2011. Hedges is the author of The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human Progress, Collateral Damage, American Fascists and other titles. www.truthdig.com www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 15:21
Photos for video Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist Sues Obama Over NDAA 1/2
democracynow.org - Responding to President Obama's State of the Union address, longtime consumer advocate and former Presidential candidate Ralph Nader says Obama's criticism of income inequality and Wall Street excess fail to live up to his record in office. "[Obama] says one thing and does another," Nader says. "Where has he been for over three years? There are existing laws that can prosecute and convict Wall Street crooks. He hasn't sent more than one or two to jail." On foreign policy, Nader says: "I think his lawless militarism that started the speech and ended the speech was truly astonishing. [Obama] was very committed to projecting the American empire, in Obama terms." Towatch the complete daily, independent news hour, read the transcript, download the podcast, and for the additional reports, visit www.democracynow.org. FOLLOW DEMOCRACY NOW! ONLINE Facebook: www.facebook.com Twitter: @democracynow Subscribe on YouTube: www.youtube.com Listen on SoundCloud: www.soundcloud.com Daily Email News Digest: www.democracynow.org Please consider supporting independent media by making a donation to Democracy Now! today, visit www.democracynow.org Author: democracynow Duration: 14:10
Photos for video "He Says One Thing And Does Another": Ralph Nader Reviews Obama's State of the Union Speech
Vkontakte : vk.com А Я В ШОКЕ ! Обама, Медведев и Лукашенко оказались в одной лодке после авиакатастрофы. Все с понтами, и никто не хочет грести. Обама говорит: ну, вы же понимаете, мы сверхдержава тут над всеми. То же и Медведев: Россия ядерная держава... Ну, давай ты, Лукашенко. Лукашенко говорит: Да нет, ребята давайте мы проголосуем. Как будет, так будет. Author: YouNewsTuber Duration: 2:34