Comedian Jon Stewart talks about Springsteen's work. 100000 Views! Thank you guys, point other fans towards this video please! "The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama Author: mechemicalromance Duration: 9:28
Photos for video Jon Stewart Speaks About Bruce Springsteen At the Kennedy Center Honors
Gloria Estefan "No Llores (Fiesta Latina: In Performance at the White House)" (C)2009 Estefan Enterprises, Inc. Available on iTunes: Gloria Estefan Official Links Website: Facebook Twitter: Author: GloriaEstefanMusic Duration: 4:21
Photos for video Gloria Estefan - No Llores (Fiesta Latina: In Performance at the White House 2009) DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! 2012 Prophecy foretells the destruction of Rome Ancient doomsday prophecy end of the world 2012 times time day days illuminati new world order mark of the beast antichrist 666 2012 prophecies conspiracy exposed swine flu freemason fema camps martial law pole shift film films movie movies war barack obama alex jones nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:57
Photos for video Doomsday 2012 Predictions End of the World Alex Jones covers some recent aspects of diplomatic immunity, as extended to Interpol and other foreign agencies, by way of President Obama's Executive Order 12425. They, along with foreign troops & assets have been increasingly used throughout the United States to for 'Homeland' control over the populace. Check these links for more info: Obama Extends Diplomatic Immunity to Interpol by Executive Order Why Does Interpol Need Immunity from American Law? FEMA: National Level Exercise 2009 (NLE 09) IDF, US National Guard to share defense ideas Army Dispatched in Response to End the Fed Protests The Pentagon Wants Authority to Post Almost 400000 Military Personnel in US Secret State Police Report: Ron Paul, Bob Barr, Chuck Baldwin, Libertarians are Terrorists The Modern Militia Movement-Missouri MIAC Strategic Report 20Feb09 Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 6:31
Photos for video Obama grants Interpol immunity as foreign 'assets' assigned to US homeland DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! Illuminati Music Conspiracy Exposed - Satan in the Music Industry Illuminati new world order mark of the beast antichrist 666 2012 doomsday prophecy prophecies conspiracy exposed swine flu freemason fema camps martial law pole shift end of the times time day days film films movie movies war barack obama alex jones nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:46
Photos for video Satan in the Music Industry: Illuminati Music Conspiracy Exposed
From the war in Iraq to the space station, government programs almost always end up costing much more than they were supposed to. They also usually end up doing more than they were supposed to. Would ObamaCare be any different? Some say ObamaCare would lead to death panels, even euthanasia classes. Now supporters of President Obama's health care overhaul are fighting back against such charges. And the president himself warns: "If you misrepresent what's in this plan, we will call you out." But you don't have to side with those who warn of euthanasia classes to recognize that government programs often end up doing all kinds of things that weren't in politicians' original plans. Call it mission creep. Politicians pass a program, and then the scope of the program grows and changes. It's happened with everything from state-level health insurance plans to the Troubled Asset Relief Program. TARP's original mission was spelled out in its name--the governments would purchase troubled assets from financial institutions. However, just over a year later TARP's mission has exploded, and billions in TARP funds have gone to bail out General Motors, Chrysler, and struggling homeowners. TARP money may even fund another stimulus. "The Best Laid Plans of ObamaCare" is written and produced by Ted Balaker, and hosted by Nick Gillespie. Director of Photography: Alex Manning; Associate Producer: Paul Detrick Approximately two-and-a-half minutes. For downloadable versions of this video, go to <b>...</b> Author: ReasonTV Duration: 3:05
Photos for video ObamaCare and Mission Creep: Why health care reform will end up covering much more than you think. DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! Illuminati Death Conspiracy - New World Order 2012 Illuminati new world order swine flu conspiracy exposed freemason doomsday fema camps martial law antichrist prophecy 2012 pole shift end of the times time day days film films movie movies war prophecies barack obama alex jones nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Illuminati Death Conspiracy - New World Order 2012 DOWNLOAD THIS MOVIE FOR FREE!!! Obama martial law new world order Illuminati fema camps for you Fema camps martial law new world order antichrist doomsday prophecy 2012 pole shift end of the world times time day days mark of the beast 666 film films movie movies war prophecies illuminati freemason barack obama alex jones swine flu conspiracy nibiru planet planetx climate change global warming nwo economy economic collapse Author: TheProphecyChannel Duration: 10:58
Photos for video Antichrist Illuminati 2012 New World Order Agenda EXPOSED
Defense officials have confirmed that US drones have been intercepted by insurgents with $26 software. How can this complex military technology be hacked into so easily? Is this a sign of the potential dangers of President Obama's move toward unmanned warfare? Or is there a chance that the US military didn't encrypt this information on purpose? Author: RussiaToday Duration: 5:07
Photos for video US drones intercepted by $26 software
The Hipsters encounter the raddest dude of all, Google finds the best way to literally go through your sh*t, Dennis Miller '89 "master-debates" Dennis Miller '09, TMZ takes on Jesus, the First Family is in a rut, and Obama awkwardly accepts the Nobel Peace Prize. Watch more SuperNews! VIEW more SuperNews! clips & SUBSCRIBE to the YouTube Playlist here... Author: Current Duration: 22:33
On Sat., Dec. 12, 2009, Chris Hedges, journalist/author, was one of the speakers at the emergency "End-the-US-Wars" rally. See, for background: The event was held in Lafayette Park, opposite the White House. For a short bio on Mr. Hedges, go to: Many of his most recent commentaries can be found here: This video contains excerpts from Mr. Hedges remarks. Author: liamh2 Duration: 9:24
Photos for video Chris Hedges: "We Live in a Time of Radical Evil!"