This content is owned by the BBC Series 3 Episode 5 - (Part 3 of 3) Funny stuff from the Northern Irishman, enjoy! Author: ArseRaptor Duration: 6:37
Photos for video Patrick Kielty Live At The Apollo Part 3
There are citizens of ONE other nation who have entirely to much power and influence in the US Government. These are the same people currently pushing our military and sons and daughters into war with Iraq. These are the same people who pushed the United States into war with Iraq. The result was another of Apartheid Fascist Israel's enemies knocked out, ONE MILLION MURDERED Iraqi CIVILIAN men, women and children, thousands of American soldiers, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters dead... for what? Not one Iraqi attacked the United States. Here is a list of the Foreigners who have Citizenship in Israel as well as the United States of America. These men certainly have a loyalty to Israel. Richard Pearl, Rahm Emmanuel ( White House Chief of Staff), Paul Wolfowitz, Marc Grossman, Elliot Abrams, Kenneth Adelman, Robert Satoff, Dov Zakheim, Henry Kissinger ( who says Obama is primed to lead the NEW WORLD ORDER!), Douglas Feith, Richard Haas, Scooter Libby, Michael Mokasey, Lawrence Franklin, Steve Goldsmith, Ari Fleischer, James Schlesinger, David Frun, Joshua Bolten, David Wurmser, Eliot Cohen, Mel Sembler, Joseph Gidelhorn, Steve Goldsmith. *ALERT* NOAHIDE LAWS OF JUDAISM WILL RULE OVER AMERICANS* * NO SEPARATION OF STATE AND SYNAGOGUE!* ZIONIST WAR PARTY IN AMERICA: READ WHAT BENJAMIN FRANKLIN HAD TO SAY *Sephardic Jew's Warning to Christians* Zionist Police <b>...</b> Author: argybargy2 Duration: 9:28
Photos for video Dual Citizens-America Is Being Ruled by FOREIGNERS!
During a Sunday lecture in March of 2009, Minister Farrakhan educates the believers and visitors of Mosque Maryam in Chicago about the evil forces that run the policies and dictate agenda local and abroad. To order this lecture, visit or call (866) 602-1230. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 11:00
Photos for video Minister Louis Farrakhan Speaking On The International Bankers and Corruption
The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan talking about the motives and actions of the United States Government in war on Afghanistan. Author: Ahmad770 Duration: 10:19
Photos for video Minister Farrakhan Talks About The War In Afghanistan
UNRELEASED. Add Spectac on MySpace : Video by Mark with inspiration from Mervin Jenkins. Mark's page : Author: SpectacOFFICIAL Duration: 4:29
Photos for video SPECTAC & 9th WONDER - DAY TO DAY (color edit) HD
Obama admits that he is a Muslim. Obama bowing before a Muslim king. Obama talking about his Muslim family. Obama quoting from the Koran. Obama defending Islam. Obama visiting a Mosque. And many more clips of Obama and his Muslim connections. Legal Disclaimer: The writers, producers, and editors of this video are not claiming or implying that Barack Hussein Obama is a Muslim, or that Obama said he was a Muslim, rather they are only examining the evidence surrounding the rumor that Barack Hussein Obama might be a secret Muslim. Author: FeelTheChangeMedia Duration: 9:57