SUPPORT THE RESISTANCE 1st ever WeAreChange TV I hope everyone enjoys our pilot for a new weekly WeAreChange show. On our 1st episode we go over the daily news, overview Obama's year in office, give you the weather, sports, and two great interview with Cindy Sheehan and Charlie Veitch of the Love Police. This is a pilot episode of our show before we go live in late Faburary on, WeAreChange is doing this show for free with the studio provided by UBATV, which in exchange gets to play our videos on their site. Please help support our efforts to provide you better content with donations, because we are all doing this for free and can only survive with your support. This is our first ever, professionally produced show that many WeAreChangers put their effort in. Please email us your comments, suggestions, and feedback to, yes we know the sound sucks but we did the best we could with the little we know. We are also asking anyone who wants to get involved and help make this show great to please email us as well. Hope you guys enjoy, Luke Rudkowski Author: wearechange Duration: 10:00
Photos for video WeAreChange TV 3 Obama a year in review
The President takes questions from Republican members of the House of Representatives at the GOP House Issues Conference in Baltimore, MD. January 29, 2010. Author: whitehouse Duration: 85:55
Photos for video President Obama Takes Questions at GOP House Issues Conference
FKNNewz 2009 DVD Out now - Join the Landless Peasant Party - http Rid the world of ignorance join The Astronomers - Obama state of the union address when i said change i meant no change Afghanistan stability conference kharzis bitches line up for booty shaking in the uk Tony blair faces Iraq inquiry love in and tough hair style questions Hello tortured souls im the dark lord satan welcome to the fkn newz here are the headlies tonight... Author: Deek Jackson Duration: 10:00 Congressman Ron Paul appeared on the Ron Smith Show on WBAL in Baltimore, January 25, 2010. Author: minnesotachris Duration: 16:33
Photos for video Ron Paul on the Ron Smith Show 1/25/10
The morning after Barack Obama's first State of the Union speech, Gerald Celente says that the speech was just political theater and that nothing has changed. And, as Ben Bernanke comes up for a reconfirmation vote, Celente says that the system needs to cleanse itself and stop propping up failure. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 6:29
Photos for video Celente: SOTU was a pep rally for Obama
Credit-marcaeld Ron Paul on Larry King Live with Robert Reich who is an unapologetic Keynesian. Sorry for the video stuttering during the first segment. King gave Reich the last word who used it to continue to spread the fallacy that Hoover was the cause of the Great Depression and FDR and the War got us out. It's really too bad Ron Paul had no time to counter that falsehood, but I suppose Reich played the media game perfectly by making these points when he knew Paul had no more time. . ron paul Robert Reich Larry King kanjorski webster tarpley Gerald Celentealex jones peter schiff glenn beck goldman sachs housing market tarp wall st fed reserve interest rates jim rogers gold silver etf Max Keiser Jim Rogers Tim Geithner henry paulson jordon maxwell Author: GuerrillaNewsChannel Duration: 9:44
Photos for video Ron Paul vs Robert Reich On Larry King
On Tuesday morning, Jan. 26, 2010, a "die-in" protest was staged in front of the White House. The antiwar, anti-occupation event was primarily organized by the Minnesota Contingent of the Peaceable Assembly Campaign. At least thirteen protesters were arrested for refusing to obey a police order to get off the sidewalk. For more information about the demonstration, and for the very latest details on the arrested activists, go to: Also, see: Peace and justice activist Coleen Rowley was interviewed on camera. Author: liamh2 Duration: 9:34
Photos for video "Die-In" at White House: 13 Antiwar Protesters Arrested
Has Barack Obamas mantra for change translated to foreign policy success one year after he became the US President? Obama promised to break away from his predecessor George Bushs polices and rebuild ties with disgruntled allies and reach out to the Muslim world. Over the course of the year, his administration attempted to re-start the stalled Israeli-Palestinian peace talks and engage with Iran and North Korea over their nuclear programmes. Obama also had to maintain a delicate alliance with Pakistan, deal with Chinas enormous economic clout and reconnect with former cold war foe Russia. In this episode of Riz Khan, we examine whether Obamas foreign policy agenda has been effective so far. Is it multilateral and can it repair the USs reputation around the world? Anand Naidoo is joined by academic and author Philip Bobbit, who served under three US Presidents; Stephen Walt, professor of international affairs at Harvard University; and Christopher Dickey, the Middle East Regional Editor for Newsweek Magazine. Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 22:30
Photos for video Riz Khan - Obama's foreign policy report card
OVER 100 MORE examples of Fox News Bias at When Fox News business anchor Jenna Lee reported on the surge in the stock market during the first year of the presidency of Barack Obama, the biggest stock market gain in a president's first year since before World War II, I knew Fox News would find some way to turn this good news into bad news for Obama and I was not disappointed as I show in this video. The clips of the analysis from Fox News business anchor Jenna Lee come from the program "Happening Now" broadcast January 20, 2010 (which I have not been able to find online). The clip of Obama Administration senior advisor David Axelrod comes from MSNBC's program "Hardballl with Chris Matthews" also broadcast January 20, 2010, available online at The clip of Time editor-at-large Mark Halperin comes from NBC's "Meet the Press" broadcast January 17, 2010, available online at The clip of Fox News anchor Trace Gallagher comes from the program "Live Desk" broadcast January 21, 2010 (which I have not been able to find online). Author: LiberalViewer Duration: 6:18
Photos for video Obama Market Surge as Fox News Reports It?
Americans share their views on Obama the man, the policy-maker and the commander-in-chief. Follow on Twitter: Follow on Facebook: Follow on Instagram: See all episodes of Fault Lines: Meet the Fault Lines Team: Author: AlJazeeraEnglish Duration: 23:31
Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, January 14, 2010 Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, Obamas appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, outlined a plan for the government to infiltrate conspiracy groups in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings, according to a recently uncovered article Sunstein wrote for the Journal of Political Philosophy. As we have often warned, chat rooms, social networks and particularly article comment sections are routinely gamed by trolls, many of whom pose as numerous different people in order to create a fake consensus, who attempt to debunk whatever information is being discussed, no matter how credible and well documented. We have seen this on our own websites for years and although some of those individuals were acting of their own accord, a significant number appeared to be working in shifts, routinely posting the same talking points over and over again. It is a firmly established fact that the military-industrial complex which also owns the corporate media networks in the United States has numerous programs aimed at infiltrating prominent Internet sites and spreading propaganda to counter the truth about the misdeeds of the government and the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2006 CENTCOM, the United States Central Command, announced that a team of employees would be hired to engage bloggers who are posting inaccurate <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 6:56
Photos for video Paul Watson on Alex Jones Tv 1/3: Obama's Info Czar Sets Plan To Infiltrate Truthers & Alex Jones!
Paul Joseph Watson Thursday, January 14, 2010 Harvard law professor Cass Sunstein, Obamas appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, outlined a plan for the government to infiltrate conspiracy groups in order to undermine them via postings on chat rooms and social networks, as well as real meetings, according to a recently uncovered article Sunstein wrote for the Journal of Political Philosophy. As we have often warned, chat rooms, social networks and particularly article comment sections are routinely gamed by trolls, many of whom pose as numerous different people in order to create a fake consensus, who attempt to debunk whatever information is being discussed, no matter how credible and well documented. We have seen this on our own websites for years and although some of those individuals were acting of their own accord, a significant number appeared to be working in shifts, routinely posting the same talking points over and over again. It is a firmly established fact that the military-industrial complex which also owns the corporate media networks in the United States has numerous programs aimed at infiltrating prominent Internet sites and spreading propaganda to counter the truth about the misdeeds of the government and the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. In 2006 CENTCOM, the United States Central Command, announced that a team of employees would be hired to engage bloggers who are posting inaccurate <b>...</b> Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 7:40
Photos for video Paul Watson on Alex Jones Tv 2/3: Obama's Info Czar Sets Plan To Infiltrate Truthers & Alex Jones!
What does the new year and new decade have in store for the World? Is the financial crisis over? Will Afghanistan be won and terrorism be beaten at home? Are people fed up of America's politics and media? To answer these questions and more, RT spoke to the renowned Trends Forecaster Gerald Celente. Author: RussiaToday Duration: 11:01
Photos for video Celente on 2010: Wave of Terror, Internet revolt & War on migration