Watch more at Follow us on Twitter. http Check Out TYT Interviews Read Ana's blog at Author: TheYoungTurks Duration: 6:13
Photos for video Clown At Take Back America Conf. - Obama First Muslim Pres.
Alex welcomes back to the show Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer under seven US presidents over 27 years and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity or VIPS. The organization is dedicated to analyzing and criticizing the use of intelligence, specifically relating to the War in Iraq. In January 2006, McGovern began speaking out on behalf of the anti-war group Not in Our Name. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:54
Photos for video Ray McGovern on Alex Jones Tv 2/4:IRAN is IRAQ Part 2!!
Alex welcomes back to the show Ray McGovern, a retired CIA officer under seven US presidents over 27 years and founder of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity or VIPS. The organization is dedicated to analyzing and criticizing the use of intelligence, specifically relating to the War in Iraq. In January 2006, McGovern began speaking out on behalf of the anti-war group Not in Our Name. Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:24
Photos for video Ray McGovern on Alex Jones Tv 1/4:IRAN is IRAQ Part 2!!
Alex talks with Michael Hollingsworth in Montana about the APF and the prison in Hardin. Alex also covers the latest developments from Harkin, Montana. His Youtube Channel Author: TheAlexJonesChannel Duration: 10:42
Photos for video Michael Hollingsworth on Alex Jones Tv 1/2:Hardin's APF Prison Report & Alex Goes to Montana!!
True story of a mysterious wind appearing suddenly to help some Israeli soldiers get through a field covered with land mines. What an AWESOME God we serve! Author: IsraelWillStandAlone Duration: 3:13
Photos for video Miracle at Golan Heights: True Story!
How do the detainees held at Guantanamo Bay pass the time while waiting for Obama to close the facility? Take a surprising look inside Gitmo. Author: politizoid Duration: 3:41
Larry the Cable Guy sings about the blessings of owning an SUV. "God Bless My SUV" was written and sung by the Capitol Steps. Visit the Capitol Steps at Author: HerBunk Duration: 2:16
At the United Nations, Venezuela President Hugo Chavez - along with his translator - tell a Fox News producer how "stupid" his network is. "The stupid people from Fox News -- not you, of course," he says. Author: PoliticsNewsPolitics Duration: 2:50
Photos for video Hugo Chavez: "The Stupid People From Fox News"
Former President Bill Clinton talks to Larry King about rescuing American journalists Euna lee and Laura Ling from North Korea. "It was humbling, and it was a wonderful feeling," Clinton said, adding that the mission was "utterly fascinating." He also said Kim Jong-Il was "alert" and "clearly in command of the situation" in his country. Author: PoliticsNewsPolitics Duration: 2:33
Photos for video Bill Clinton Comments on North Korea Rescue Mission
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep Author: mjrob1914 Duration: 10:01
Photos for video The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 5: Dr. Ray Hagins
You can purchase this DVD and others by Dr. Ray Hagins at Also, tune into to Dr. Ray Hagins online radio station at He broadcasts 24/7 and on Sundays and Wednesdays, 8pm-10pm EST he broadcasts live. He has a ton of information on African history, culture, religion, etc. Everyone can learn from his station regardless of how much you already know. Maat Hotep Author: mjrob1914 Duration: 10:01
Photos for video The Truth Is Unbelievable - Part 4: Dr. Ray Hagins
THE PRESIDENT: Please be seated. Good afternoon, and welcome to the White House. Of all the privileges serving as President, there's no greater honor than serving as Commander-in-Chief of the finest military that the world has ever known. And of all the military decorations that a President and a nation can bestow, there is none higher than the Medal of Honor. It has been nearly 150 years since our nation first presented this medal for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of life above and beyond the call of duty. And in those nearly 150 years -- through civil war and two world wars, Korea and Vietnam, Desert Storm and Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq, and countless battles in between -- tens of millions of Americans have worn the uniform. But fewer than 3500 have been recognized with the Medal of Honor. And in our time, these remarkable Americans are literally one in a million. And today we recognize another -- Sergeant First Class Jared C. Monti. The Medal of Honor reflects the admiration and gratitude of the nation. So we are joined by members of Congress -- including from Sergeant Monti's home state of Massachusetts, Senator John Kerry and Congressman Barney Frank. We're joined by our Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Mike Mullen, and leaders from across the Armed Forces. We are joined by the leaders of the Army to which Sergeant Monti dedicated his life: Secretary Pete Geren; our incoming Secretary <b>...</b> Author: UpTakeVideo Duration: 19:12
Photos for video Obama Awards Medal Of Honor To Staff Sergeant Jared C. Monti